Monday, September 03, 2007

not as bad as the theft of $10 trillion by brits from india

sep 3rd, 2007

the communists at the guardian are fuming thusly:,,2157197,00.html

but what do india's communists have to say about british theft? nothing much, they blame it on hindus! they perpetuate the abominations created by the british including the aryan invasion bullshit and the story repeated by chidambaram and manmohan that it was a great favor the brits did to india to colonize it. next they'll be telling us that the brits enriched india.


truti said...

George Monbiot is at his best when he criticises the post-1960 content-free absolute corporatism of Milton Friedman. MF isn't bad as long as he talks real economics, and not the simplistic and terribly wrong talking head he became in the '70s. But George too can be way off mark when he gets into conspiracy theory mode as he is doing here.

Rajeev, I recall you writing about neoliberalism and your own support for some of its features. Have you by any chance moved on since then to other schools of thought?

George Monbiot here sounds more like our homegrown idiots, Bidwai, Sukumar Muralidharan (you probably went to IIT-M with him?), and Sid Varadarajan.

Santhosh said...

Here's a very informative PBS documentary title Commanding Heights.
In chapter one, 'Battle of (economic) Ideas', we see how Hayek's pro-free-market ideas gain acceptance..

habc said...

ot - look haraam
'Ayurvedic' burqas a rage in Saudi Arabia