Sunday, September 09, 2007

how the british massacred 10million indians in reprisal for 1857

sep 8th, 2007

this is new information.,,2155324,00.html

will manmohan singh still claim that brit colonialism was good for india?


Ghost Writer said...

I am holding my breath for Dhimmi Dalrymple (the William) to write a "scholarly" review of the book that will rebut the "unidimensional and linear" view of the empire (i.e. the killings); while the writer could have noticed the great intermixing and cultural sharing (by which is meant Sir William Jones and other Limey scholars who went 'native' and bred some Indian children)

British colonialism was not bad for India in only one sense - it gave many Indians a common denominator - unite in anger to throw them out. It is a great pity that the likes of Jawaharlal were not able to fashion a polity that carried forward tat sense of purpose.

Having said this one has to admit that compared to the Islamic colonialism that went before, the British period allowed Hindus to rest and recover. Having gained some vitality they were able to renew themselves intellectually, politically and militarily. Yes militarily - the creation of the British India Army was a great boon for India. We lost about 30,000 soldiers in WW-II, but we gained immeasurably. The Indian Army was the only reason that the Communist Hans did not swallow us as soon as the British left

kp11 said...

I had a lot of respect for this author. Why did this asshole go and make such a statement-

Charles Dickens: "I wish I were commander-in-chief in India ... I should proclaim to them that I considered my holding that appointment by the leave of God, to mean that I should do my utmost to exterminate the race."

Charles Dickens, I want to stuff all your novels up your a.