Wednesday, November 05, 2008

sad, isn't it, when a nation decides on collective suicide?

nov 4th, 2008

but this happens.

pied pipers often sway people.

they leap off cliffs like lemmings.

well, all we can hope is to stay out of the way and avoid being collateral damage.

first, there's the economic collapse, and then obama-regime. i think i'll start looking for alternate visas as plan c (after all, india is getting increasingly unwelcome to hindus so plan a and plan b are in trouble). maybe new zealand? or singapore? how does one go about applying for dual citizenship with these countries, or at least for permanent residence?


san said...

Well, it remains to be seen how long Obama's honeymoon will last. The current fiscal crisis in the US will mean he won't have the money to go on a socialist spending spree (the Republican 'starve the beast' strategy has pretty much worked). If he attempts further cuts on H1-B, etc, then it will just spur tech titans to set up shop in India directly.

What I want to see is how much the Democratic-controlled Congress will create a lopsided govt with runaway left-wing policies. Last time Democrats controlled both Whitehouse and Congress was when Clinton was in power, and at least he cracked down on the welfare state. Obama by contrast favours the welfare state.

I'm sure Brzezinski is chortling with glee right now.

Anonymous said...

I am scared!! There is no way these people are going to clean up the mess in the financial markets and the economy. They are not going to be doing what is really necessary for a fundamental change: getting people in the US to actually start saving money rather than only keep spending.

It may indeed be time to think of an exit strategy in case things get screwed up even more like some people actually do expect.

san said...
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san said...

Furthermore, I read some left-wing Indian commentators remarking that they would like Mayawati to do an Obama in India. As if that twit has the brains to manage a coalition. It's threats like these that occasionally make me glad that we have a parliamentary democracy, where something like a Mayawati-led govt could be torn apart and thrown out relatively quickly.

But still, the threat has me wary. We saw how the Atlanticists eagerly used a succession of 'colour revolutions' to knock down one unfriendly govt after another in Eastern Europe. Now giddy with success, these Atlanticists could ambitiously try to foist a Mayawati on us, to slip their noose around our necks. We should be on guard.

ramesh said...

rajeev, as far as your views on obama are concerned u are appear to be in the same boat as spengler of asia times (this guy is otherwise a shameless christist, but he writes well). His latest article in the asia times is a poem, kind of an elegy to the u.s.
lets see how things work out. Though as usual things don't look too good for ole bharat!! actually they never do.

Itsdifferent said...

I Wish you are all proved wrong. Its high time that US gets a well educated guy, one who wants to build consensus in the office. Reading on him so far, gives me that hope.

truti said...

So the US is ready to join the modern world. Nizhal you should consider moving to Canada. They have great healthcare - it's entirely free in Alberta, Canada's conservative heartland, and Stephen Harper's home province (although he is originally from Ontario) - a highly educated workforce, a great lifestyle. NZ, Australia, Scandinavia, and all these parts of the world have v.efficient welfare economies that work spectacularly well, where people enjoy vacations. Good Luck!!!

Ghost Writer said...

@ truti,

as someone who lives in Canada, I hate to disappoint you. The healthcare system here is actually not as nice as Michael Moore makes it out to be, and way less efficient than the "inefficient welfare states"
The economy, specially Alberta's is all resource driven - when the oil finishes, this place is going to be one dirty and COLD ice pack. Immigrants are made to feel welcome though - so welcome that some still have dreams of a Khalistan!

nizhal yoddha said...

clearly, truti, you are a socialist, if not a communist manque.

i have no wish to live in a communist society. if i wanted to, why, i could live in kerala. at least i speak the lingo and it is home.

socialism sucks. it kills all initiative and ends up distributing poverty. the socialist europeans are still living on their loot from the colonies.

nizhal yoddha said...

gopinath, the us has got what it deserves: a smart and opaque character. i think the country is in for a very long four years. all those who think obama is going to wave a magic wand and fix everything are, to put it mildly, going to be a wee bit disappointed. he has problems up his wazoo and he will alienate every one of his constituencies if he tries to fix things. on the other hand, fortunately, he isn't going to try to fix things, as he has other agendas. what those are is the unknown unknowns. i do wish all you moonies will live happily for ever after with your little tin god. but i somehow doubt it. when the guy shows his true smoke-and-mirrors self, you're going to realize you made the mother of all mistakes.

think nehru on steroids. complete destruction.