Sunday, November 30, 2008

five helped mumbai terrorists

since it is now confirmed that these 'militants' were actually 'terrorists' and also since only hindus are terrorists/help terrorists - ergo - five hindus helped the terrorists

they were wearing the same sacred hindu threads as the blighter in the photograph and specifically pointed out Karkare to avenge the Sadhvi's treatment

Mumbai locals helped us, terrorist tells cops-

time for susan arundhati, shabana-javed, teesta, the pervert anand jon's family - all wagah candle lighters and other such to crawl out of the woodwork


karyakarta92 said...

Christiane Amanpour was on CNN on the old fart Larry King's show peddling the same old BS of "Muslim hopelessness in India". The hag referred to the Rajinder Sachar report. These gasbag Western liberals need to told to back off from India. They're likely to interfere a lot now with the Clinton crowd back.

Karmasura said...

The report talks of 5 local people helping the terrorists.. how could you conclude 5 hindu people helping the terrorists?

Unknown said...

What else do you expect? The Indians in USA were dancing at the victory of Mr Obama - who all along had anti India postures. Be it the 1-2-3, his calling Mrs Clinton "D(Punjab)", his offer to meddle in Kashmir, his anti noutsourcing rant.. Despite all these, Indians overwhelmingly threw money at him.. Why? Because Obama likes Daal and Naan. Obviously Amanpour and probably George Staphanopoulos will think Indians are a bunch of machochists who love to be treated like dirt..I can't blame them.. People who do not respect themselves are treated like that only.. Can you imagine Jews supporting Obama because he likes KOSHER food? No wonder, Americans take Israelis seriously..

Unknown said...

And yes, the Indians should lobby like the Jews have built up their base here.. It's time for Indian community to try to network with Bill Kristol, Jon Podhoretz, Jonah Goldberg - I mean the whole Weekly Standard crowd. Similarly we should try to approach NRO also- even if we do not agree with some of their Christian right utterances. Perhaps it would be a good idea to collectively approach the rising stars of Republican Party like Paul Ryan for instance. The democrats will always be bleeding heart campus radicals who will find Martha Nussbaum as their deity. And for starters, people should start lynching (metaphorically) anyone who utters "South Asia"..

Raja said...

I too watched it! Now that the dems are back, this campaign is going to get shriller! This ugly beatch has been toeing the same line from the moment this horrific incident started unfolding. Alas, we don't have any Hindu leadership to present our points. All that we have is a christist, Deepak Chopra!

Ghost Writer said...

@ Karmasura

relax amigo - I am laying the sarcasm on thick - perhaps you could not tell.

on a more serious note - these folks are most likely to be Mohammedan - which is why the "media" is not revealing their names and addresses.

this is standard operating procedures with these ELM folks. contrast with how they revealed every last detail of the Sadhvi and Purohit's family (including in one case the address). Circulating it as par to of a terror hit list I guess. just in case Sonia and the p-sec state misses out due to lack of evidence - no?

Ghost Writer said...


while I second your proposal to team up with the Jewish lobby in the US - you should note that the weekly Standard folks are more messianic (i.e. right wing nut-bag creationists) than what used to be NRO (alas all their scholars including David Frum and Buckley Jr. himself have left). The Weekly Standard folks are off the bend sometimes - a fact noted by many in the Israeli press.

Unknown said...

Hi Ghost Writer, I request you to note where I am coming from .. I understand every detail I suggest may not be practicable also..Point is, Indians (not the South Asian types) need to align with if not Weekly Standard - may be with Fox News or something like that.. Otherwise the Indian voice will never be heard.. It may be a good idea to try to have rapport with rising stars like Paul Ryan. The dems will never help us..They are all Martha Nussbaum by other names. The WS guys may be messianic - but we need people to tell our story .. And Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg are widely read..NRO also has that nut Ramesh Ponnuru .. But what are options? Liberals who support stem cell research would never support India..Liberal Republicans are dead after Nelson Rockefeller..

ramesh said...

Ghost Writer, i agree with karamsura. if u don't mind my saying so, pls refrain from headlines like these ("five hindus helped mumbai terrorists"). Next thing u know it will be picked up some anti-hindu loony to spin some more tales.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ramesh,

These were my very thoughts. Thanks for pointing it out. The so called intellectuals in India and the rest of the world are a pretty dumb lot and the fact that this has come out on this blog will give them 'credence'. Could you at least change the (*&%$#)headline even now, please, Ghostwriter!

Harish said...

IMHO, the sarcasm in this case.. especially in the title.. is certainly not in good taste