Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama Win: International Reactions

TIME gives some international reactions to Obama's electoral victory. Of course, they have to include Amartya Sen. :P
I'm surprised they couldn't fit in Arundhati Roy. Nah, she's probably drunk on champagne right now.


san said...

As Republicans dust themselves off and lick their wounds, they will no doubt start planning for their ultimate return. And who will they field as their key challenger against the new president of colour?

It seems likely the GOP will rush to elevate Bobby Jindal towards this task. That means the liberal left will look for chinks in Jindal's armor to take shots at -- I'm thinking that the feelings of his Hindu parents over his conversion should be a good target for the liberal media. Perhaps it could become a useful opportunity to highlight the predations of proselytization against Indians. I'm sure the liberals would not pass up the chance to tear down the evangelicals they hate, in defense of their precious Obama.

So it's useful to look at the twists and turns on the road ahead.

Sameer said...

The worse has happened...
Ob(s)ama is here...

nizhal yoddha said...

jindal as president? jeez!

fortunately, obama is going to screw up so badly that the yanks will be done with having non-white folks as president for a while.

the expectations that obama has created are so high that there's no way any mortal will be able to meet them. but then, fortunately, to his supporters obama *is* god.

i do believe the USA is screwed for the next n years. rats, sinking ship, etc. leap to mind.

unless, of course, there is a grand plan to screw the chinese economically like the yanks did to the japanese. and the meltdown is part of that. somehow i doubt it, partly because the japanese are actually honorable, and the chinese are not.

san said...

Jindal wouldn't be entrusted with the presidency. But you have to admit, he's articulate enough to be an aggressive campaigner as a running mate.