nov 20th, 2008
here are the accused: don't they look roguish? jailbird kottoor, jailbird puthrakayil, jailbird sefi. and poor murdered abhaya.
the godwoman, sefi, has said that she had been "involved in illicit relations both with padres and with outsiders" at the time of abhaya's murder. sefi was 29 or so then, and presumably a horny little thing. she claims that she and godman kottoor were bonking (her phrase: "having an intimate physical moment") in the kitchen late at night when poor abhaya, feeling thirsty, came by to have a drink.
of course, they didn't want her to spill the beans.
so, the most natural thing in the world, they (not clear exactly who, and also not clear if godwoman sefi was bonking godmen kottoor and puthrakka both) beat abhaya over the head with a blunt instrument and chucked her into the well.
this is standard christist modus operandi for inconvenient people: remember the beatified kochappi being beaten to death in the eponymous story for running around shouting 'ye children of serpents' when he was supposed to be dead? (do see my column 'the saint business').
enquiring minds want to know:
1. who raped abhaya? whose semen was found inside her? was it kottoor or puthrakka or both?
2. did they rape abhaya *before* or after she was dead? how exactly did she die?
3. was she dropped in the well after being murdered? (actually this must be true, because the coroner noted she had no water in her lungs, which was the first clue that it was a murder, not a suicide)
4. why did kottoor's relative withdraw rs. 10 lakhs from the bank the next day? was it to bribe police inspector michael, who produced, as they say, a "clean chit", certifying it as a suicide
5. why did sefi scream at the fireman who fished out abhaya? just because he said abhaya's body had no underclothes on? sefi informed him that abhaya *did* have underclothes on. so what was sefi's role in the murder? did she dress abhaya's corpse after the rape and murder?
6. since these guys are into corpse-worship, will abhaya now be sainted? i guess not, because the definition of saint is "someone who helps the church make money". i do hope the abhaya case is going to cost ratzy plenty
You're missing one possibility, namely of this ghoul "sefi" the "Sister" participating in the rape of Abhaya. christism is an "equal opportunity" death cult in all matters pertaining to sexual perversion
Rajiv -
Check this out - a hint of what's to come in the new administration @ Washington DC??
"Kashmir (is the itch that has driven Pakistan towards supporting terrorism for the last 20 years."
Apparently, once that is dealt with, it'll be all roses in Pakistan..
From the Christian Science Monitor
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