Thursday, December 01, 2005

white european female jehadi suicide bomber

dec 1

this one was waiting to happen. white females attract much less attention from anti terrorist forces.


Anonymous said...

Unfathomable how this 'ideology'(sic) can brainwash anyone who comes under its influence.

But Viswamitrar advised Sri Ramar not to
make gender concssions while slaying Thatakai!

Anonymous said...

hi kalyani,

just wondering are you a tamil. i am asking because of the way you describe lord ram as ramar. if its out of line to ask this just ignore this message.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon,

Kalyani could be a Tamilian. Definitely not Tamil.

How did lord Rama become Ram?

Anonymous said...


I agree with you.Why this quest for unbridled power,when, Sri Krishna Paramathma unequivocally states "all Glory,Power,Intelligence,Knowledge....belong to Him"?

Alexander too appeared puny when pointed out, he had failed to conquer himself!Could be insecurity.

Yes.My mother tongue is Thamizh.

Anonymous said...

Not insecurity. He probably realised the truth - That external
might and power isnt authentic

I have heard that he asked to be
buried with his palms empty and
facing upwards - to signify that he
had in truth gained nothing at all
by conquering the world.

Savitha R.

Anonymous said...

Please read the article :
. In this I came across a line which I
would like to quote here...
"Something has to be done about the huge masses of Muslim youth and their future in a rapidly growing India. For how long can India afford to keep these masses alienated and excluded from the nation's mainstream. Will not such across the board alienation of Muslim youth harm India itself?".
Obviously the author is trying to make a vield threat that if muslims are not provided reservations in IITs and IIMs it will harm india in form of 'you know what'.
Please read the article completely for more interesting insights into the thinking of this author kaleem kawaja.

Anonymous said...

Typo & spelling mistake correction - Veiled in place of 'vield' :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello guys,

Off topic.

Saw something about Intelligent design, Creationism museums and BC( Biblically correct)zoo tours on CNN.

Just thought, it would be interesting to know, what are the concepts of creation in our own Hinduism.

I have no clue about any adam/eve in any stories i have heard from elders.

Can some one point to links reg that.

Anonymous said...

do look up
you will defintely find your answer there.

Anonymous said...


Kanchi Matham, by Feb 2006, would be coming out with complete translations of
Sri Kanchi Paramacharyar's 7 volumes of
'Dhaivathhin Kural',titled 'Voice of God',in all Indian languages and English too.

He is the *best*....not a trace of chauvinism but complete unvarnished Truth.
The first volume itself is quite comprehensive and awesome, where He states,California was originally 'Kapila-aranyam' etc....proving that Vedic way was the universal way of living and worshipping, in the pristine past.

Our Upanishads,Bhagawad Gita,Srimad Bhagavatham....add to your list.
'Society of Abidance In Truth''s,(California) 'The Song of Ribhu'-a translation of the original version of the 'Ribhu Gita' is a must read.Don't skip the introduction. A masterpiece in itself.

If our quest is sincere, our Maker Himself guides and leads us further.

Thank you.But what is the point.After unleashing large scale annihilation and enfeebled by cholera, so called 'wisdom' dawned on him....almost like Ashoka!

I reiterate what John Milton says:-
"I can't praise a cloistered virtue and a fugitive from Justice"!

Anonymous said...


You have given the correct sources for Drik to read. Of course, who can forget Sri Maha Periyavaal's teachings? I hope to get those volumes too in Jan. I also hope all those foisted cases against the Kanchi Acharyas are taken back and JUSTICE will prevail. When will Maha Vishnu take another Narasimha Avatara to get rid of all those politician demons and demonesses in our Nation?

Anonymous said...

Dear Kalyani,

Understand what you are saying.
The wisdom that dawned on Alexander
the Great may have been late for
him. But for the rest of the
world, it's never too late to learn from history.

Also, if people dont listen to the
wise - prophets, messengers of love, and gurus, who come to earth
from time to time to remind us of
timeless truths, mankind will make
the same mistake over and over again - chase outer power and find out at the end of the day that it
isnt for real.

I'm not arguing with you. I agree
with what you say about the quest for power being meaningless, when
man really has no power, except the
power to surrender to the Divine and be instruments of that power.

We live in the sad illusion that
we have any power at all.


kautilya said...

The Pinkos are using the tried and tested tool of truth
by repeated assertion
. Before BJP realises it will soon be impressed upon the Indian public that BJP has disrupted Parliament proceedings time and again and that it was desperate and frutrated opposition. The media off course is doing its part of fueling the flame.

Is it too much to expect from BJP to make a statement giving figures and statistics of how many times the Pinkos disrupted the proceedings during NDA's rule ? How many man-hours were lost ?

By not responding to such allegations from the Communists the BJP is letting this impression gain ground and grow. It will not be too late before it becomes a monster and BJP is again imprisoned in an image of a villian.

Anonymous said...

dear kalyani,

the one part i don't agree with you was ashoka the great becoming wise. it was good that he realised that there is no gain in war and slaughter. but sometimes it is a necessary evil to defend ones way of life. what he did with his wisdom was utter foolishness. if he wanted to pursue the path of buddha dharma then he should have abdicated his throne, just like lord buddha himself did and should have given the throne to his second in line to defend the borders of his country. no great dharma will prevail in any land unless that land is protected by strong military. my belief is that the hindu military prowess took a nose dive to a great extent because of emperor ashoka's actions after the great kalinga war.

dear anonymous,

kanchi acharyal will not get justice unless the hindu community unites. this kind of atrocity will keep on happening unless the hindus of india come together and demand what ever they want, just like mullahs and missionaries do. but personally i think it will be like the loss of innocence of hinduism. the in herent beauty of hinduism is its liberal thinking. not binding its adherents to a single dogma or moronic belief system. but now we don’t have any choice. we lost that opportunity the day prithivi raj chauhan let go of the barbarian mohammed of gauri so may times before he himself was defeated and millions of hindus and buddhists were subjugated by these barbaric cult disguised in the name of religion. Every body in the world sees this, but the one group of people who are themselves subjugated don’t and live blissfully ignorant in a fools paradise thinking that all religions are equal.

to defeat an enemy one should first recognize him. other wise they are doomed. In hindus case it is 3 m’s Marxists, muslims, not just mullahs and missionaries. if we hindus don’t recognize this we will keep on losing our land and end up like Zoroastrians. we have already lost a big chunk of our mother land to these barbarians. so far they have claimed afghanistan, pakistan and bangladesh. kashmir is gone for all practical purposes. believe me they will stop at nothing until they conquer the whole of sub continent. so to stop the atrocities on hindu institution like kanchi acharyal or for their own survival, hindus of india has to come together and raise their voice as one. There is no other option, period.

These are my humble thoughts.

Anonymous said...


Thank you!Justice will prevail;Nature's fury is His.When He incarnates,He would establish Dharmam, as foretold by our Sages,including Mahavishnu Himself!

I agree with you.Lord Krishna is my Hero,certainly not mortal kings.The war was engineered and won by Him; He Himself states so in several places,particularly when he gives a fiery drssing down to Yudhishtrar and other peaceniks,after the war,in the battleground.

When push came to a shove,even her so called 'husband'Sahadevan could only talk of compromises,like cutting off Paanchali's tresses,breaking Arjunan's
Bow etc.

Is it any wonder that she yearns for the "sixth man" despite being wedded to five men?Sophists among us give the wrong interpretation as the sixth man being Karnan.No,she means Lord Krishna
who alone has the *pourusham* to save her!

Knowing that we are puppets and that all glory is fleeting does not mean we become supine and fatalistic.

Siva is right,Hindus need solidarity and as Sri Aurobindo says "will take up arms" to vanquish the enemy.In the name of ahimsa(sic)gandhi unleashed a lot of himsa on Hindus.

I understand myself perfectly well.Spare yourself any worry on that!

Make it a point to visit the Brindavans (Samadhisthalams) of our Sages like Sri Ramana Maharishi,Kanchi
MahaPeriyavaal,Sri Sadasiva Brahmendrar(Nerur),Sri Shirdi Sai Baba,Sri Raghavendrar, and many many more.They are ever present;you don't even have to articulate anything.It is like *being with your own self*.People from Peru,Puerto Rico etc are drawn to

I am going to go on a pilgrimage soon.Shall pray for all of us!!Prayer is not intermittent..I wrote that to add some fillip to our morale.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kalyani,

I meant "I understand what you
are saying", not trying to help
you understand yourself, not at
all. :-)

That was colloquially written.
such as "Agree with you", instead
of "I agree with you".
similarly -
"Understand what you are saying".


I have to watch out for my


Anonymous said...


It is alright!No hard feelings.

Anonymous said...

Since when were Afghanistan and Pakistan part of Bharat? I have seen this repeated often by zealous "Indians" but never got it. I would understand Bangladesh being a part of the country and Jammu (maybe). But the rest are not culturally the same as the rest of India. Just because Britishers ruled over all these lands doesnt give us the right to say that we lost these places. Afghanistan is Central Asia more than Indian subcontinent and it is obvious that the races in Pakistan and Afghanistan are not remotely what make up Indians. I understand that migration has a role to play and most Indians are not any pure races such as African descent or Caucasian.
For me, Pakistan not being a part of the present day India is good riddance.
Correct me if I am wrong, never meant to insult anybody's theories with what are my convictions.