dec 10th
if you have any money to spare for charity, IDRF is one of the lowest-overhead, most sincere charities you can find.
of course, therefore, they have come under fire from the marxist-mullah-missionary types which run high-overhead boondoggles for their lavish air travel etc. (note what happened with AID honcho sandeep pandey and his high-cost yatra to pakistan: lots of money wasted on frills and the freeloaders with their snout in the pork-barrel.)
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From: nagaraj patil <>
Date: Dec 9, 2005 10:02 PM
Subject: IDRF Annual Appeal 2005-06
To: nagaraj patil < >
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| INDIA DEVELOPMENT & RELIEF FUND, INC. ( [Public Charity, Tax - Exempt Organization under U.S. Internal Revenue Code, Sec. 501(c)(3)] 4807 Phebe Ave., Fremont, CA 94555, USA
IDRF Motto: "Service to Humanity is Service to God" | We are gratified by your enthusiastic support to IDRF, enabling us to give grants to several NGOs during 2004-2005. With your support, we could raise about $1.2 million US dollars for the recent Tsunami disaster. Congratulations to all of you for your generosity. However, there is no room for complacency as the task ahead is indeed immense. We must continue working together with much greater empathy, humility and solicitude so that the challenges facing the poor and the underprivileged regarding receiving proper education and medical care, and accomplishing self-empowerment and social harmony are effectively met. Let the IDRF motto, "Nar Seva: Narayan Seva" (Service to Society is Service to God) be embraced by each one of us, pledging to serve the needy and the downtrodden to the best of our potential. IDRF strives to help the people realize their full potential and lead a life with dignity, self-esteem and happiness. IDRF remains committed to remit 100% of your contributions to the grassroots non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Click here for IDRF's Tsunami Rehabilitation Effort | Sample Projects supported during 2005-06 Seva Bharathi, Tamilnadu Focus - Childcare, Rural Development and Relief/Rehabilitation during natural disasters Project: Construction of 800 Permanent Houses in Tsunami affected village Keechankuppam in Nagapattinam district
National Sanitation & Environment Improvement (NASA) Foundation, Gujarat Focus: Aimed to eliminate filth & disease by implementing sustainable schemes of pay-and-use toilets and recycling human refuse into energy generating devices such as gas powered electricity etc. Project: To Build and Operate Sanitation facilities in Public places and Schools in Kutch district
Hungry & Oppressed's Participation for Emancipation(HOPE), Orissa Focus: Sustainable Livelihood, Education, Women Empowerment, Health Services Project: Setup "Rural Trade School" to provide training (Mechanic, Electrician, Plumber etc) to rural youth, women and weaker community to enable them to be self-reliant
Seva Bharathi, Vijayawada Focus - Child education in rural and tribal areas of Andhra Pradesh Project: 50 One Teacher Schools (OTS) in Khammam district of AP.
Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS), West Bengal Focus: Education for the Rural Children, Sponsorship for the destitute children, Health care service for children & women, Assistance to Elderly persons, Vocational Training for rural youth, Micro credit for rural women, Vocational rehabilitation for disabled Project: To set up a Training School in Gajole, Malda district.
Jodhpur Pensioners Hitkari Trust and Chakshu Chikitsa Sewa Samiti, Rajasthan Focus: Working for the benefit and welfare of pensioners and other needy people Project: Installing Phaco Machine, matching Microscope of advance technology and other essential equipment related to the Eye operations
Vikas Bharathi, Jharkand Focus: Women Empowerment - Integrated Development of Horticulture Project: A permanent Nursery and garden with fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants, Food Processing Training-cum-Production Center
Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram, Andaman & Nicobar Focus: Tribal development, Girls Education Project: Construction of a Hostel for Tribal Girls at Bakultala. This Hostel was completely destroyed during recent Tsunami
| You can support IDRF in several ways | The common features of our NGOs are | Issue a single check or Join our eazy gift-scheme for your periodic donations.
Avail your employer's (corporation's) matching gift program.
Donate your old car to our car donation program
Designate all your gifts to IDRF on celebrations with your family and friends.
Designate your donation to IDRF under the UNITED WAY's "donor-choice program."
Designate IDRF as a beneficiary in your WILL, Trust and/or Life Insurance Policies.
Transfer appreciated stocks to IDRF, thus avoid capital gain tax.
Donate on-line through your VISA/MasterCard or Direct Debit from checking account.
| - Creation of self-empowerment and responsible citizenry.
- Operation under a shoestring budget.
- Bringing impoverished, neglected people into the mainstream.
- Management by selfless, dedicated volunteers.
- Humanitarian service without consideration of sect, caste, religion and region.
| | | IDRF offers a wide range of choices for your contributions | Few Grassroots NGO's Supported by IDRF | Mobile medical clinics One-teacher schools Tribal girls dorm/Ekal Vidyalaya Orphans & children with disabilities Children at a residential school Scholarship fund for deprived students Corpus fund for dedicated social workers to serve a project Saving thousands of children from blindness Vocational training/women self-empowerment Rural development/economic self-reliance Fund your favorite Charity in India | Click here for list of NGOs - Akhil Bharatiya Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram (Chattisgarh)
- Bharatiya Cattle Resource Development Foundation (Delhi)
- Vivekananda Kendra (TN)
- Keshava Seva Samithi (AP)
- Shri Ved Mandir Committee (J & K)
- Vikas Bharati (Jharkhand)
- Vanavasi Ashram Trust (Kerala)
- Sewa Bharati (MP)
- Bhatke Vimukta Vikas Pratishthana (Maharashtra)
- Uttaranchal Daivi Apada Peedit Sahayata Samiti (Uttaranchal)
- Bharat Kalyan Pratishthan (Delhi)
| Contact Us | | | Or email | | | |
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