Sunday, December 15, 2013

Quick notes:Brittle bones, Punjabi translation...

  • India's Urban epidemic: Lack of Vitamin D is turning into India's 'urban epidemic'. The bone has a trabecular network. Think of it as a honeycomb. Its main source of constitution are Vitamin D and calcium. They are the lime and cement of the bone's building structure. If a person is deficient in either of these, the network's foundations are affected, leaving him more prone to pain and fracture.

  • Punjabi added to Google Translate: Punjabi, is the native tongue of more than 100 million.

  • Diesel exhaust causes 6% of lung cancer deaths in USA and UK: The number could be lot worse in India with its dirty grade diesel.


witan said...

Exposure to sunlight may not be of significant benefit to Indians, because we are a dark-skinned people. Even in the skins of apparently "fair skinned" persons amongst us, melanin formation on exposure to sunlight is so fast that UV will no longer sufficiently penetrate the skin. Therefore, all of us require a DIETARY source of vitamin D.
As for arthritis (spondylosis etc.) which forms the main part of the newspaper article cited by you, I am convinced that many or most cases of the ailment diagnosed as such by family physicians (or even orthopaedists) could actually be skeletal fluorosis, or a concomitant affliction by the two. Indiscriminate sinking of tube-wells has polluted our groundwater with dangerous levels of fluoride (and, in the Gangetic plains, also with arsenic!), and there is extensive contamination of drinking water. Fluoride poisoning is greatly aggravated by deficiency of calcium, vitamin D, and Vitamin C. I must add that tea, especially the cheaper varieties (made from tea stems, for example, rather than leaves), is also a source of unwanted fluoride.
The ToI article is scientifically inaccurate in places. Ghee, for example, cannot have calcium or any other mineral, but it could be a good source of vitamin D.

Pagan said...

Exposure to sunlight may not be of significant benefit to Indians

Is this supported by data? What does "maybe not of significant benefit" mean on a scale of 1 to 10?

What advise would you offer to people who see Sun as a source of good Health and recite Aditya Hridayam?

I heard of one person, Hira Ratan Manek, who subsists for extended periods purely on Sun gazing.

Also, light itself has been proven to offer health benefits other than Vitamin D.