Monday, November 03, 2008

radha: Egg on their faces

nov 2nd, 2008

why is this alleged rape victim believed? why, she is a christist. so
she must be telling the truth.

just like dr. father bishop john thattunkal, the guy messing around
with his 'adopted daughter's blood and dreaming of her to-be-born
child who will appear holding an iron rod.

or just like the 'miracle' of m teresa, where the doctors removed a
tumor from monica b's stomach, and m teresa-wallahs claim it was
miraculously removed by the dead mt.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Radha Rajan <>
Date: Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 10:48 PM
Subject: Egg on their faces

The TOI, the arch secularist tells us that all tests conducted on
Sadhvi Pragya Singh yielded the Maharashtra ATS only lemons to suck.
Narco analysis, brain-mapping, forensic tests, psychological tests -
lemons and more lemons. I guess I will have to wait awhile for our
secularists to spot and arrest the yeti called Hindu terrorist.

First, not that i care. One way or the other Hindus are thrilled -
that it is a case of laddoos in both hands - if the Sadhvi is found
guilty, well she is following in the footsteps of the brave women of
the Jugantar Party and if she is not it is eggs on the face of the ATS
anda ton of lemons to suck. I win any which way.

But such is the desperation of Sonia's ham-fisted establishment that
they really want to find the yeti even if they have to dress up a
clothes horse as one.

And another thing - if the 'raped' nun refuses to return to Orissa,
then on what basis has the orissa police arrested 7 persons for her
rape? Who told them they were rapists?

I think some tests are called for here. RR


karyakarta92 said...

As usual, Radha hits the nail on the Psec head.
I would be happy to see the emergence of an actual Hindu
Militia with national reach and ability to deliver swift and telling retribution against 4M terrorism against Hindus. In fact, if the Sangh morphs into such a martial outfit, Hindus could boldly claim responsibility for violence in self defense and national preservation, not deny it as if it were a crime against Gandhian fascism. The last such awakening was in 1992 when we demolished that hateful Muslim structure encroaching Shri Ramjanmabhoomi. Yes, we did it and proud of the action. The revolt against Nehruvian Stalinism and Gandhian fascism needs to be taken to it's logical culmination

witan said...

The Sadhvi is a very brave woman -- because she is a true sadhvi.
I saw in the news a few minutes back Sadhvi faints in court.
Is she being TORTURED by the police, just as the Tamil Nadu police did with the Shankaracharya of Kanchi?