Sunday, December 04, 2005

more on dead sea scrolls and essenes and paulism

dec 3rd

interesting article in the organizer about the jesus myth. it's true that the dominican monks who had control over the dead sea scrolls pretty much kept them to themselves.

note that our good friend josephus flavius gets a cameo appearance.

part of the reason christists want to take over the world is so that then nobody will question whether paul pulled a fast one on everybody and created the 'greatest story ever told', namely paulism, also known as christism.

although i doubt if the truth coming out will actually 'kill the west'. the vatican is the largest, oldest, and most successful MNC in the world. the baptists and mormons are fast becoming big-time MNCs. even if christist lore is fully exposed to be a hoax, it won't cause the momentum of the church to disappear. for instance, when the heliocentric theory was shown to be true, it only caused a minor hiccup in the church, although that negated one of its axioms. similarly, when it is discovered that there are entirely un-human-like extra-terrestrial intelligences, and that surely if yahweh created man in his image, then he is only the tribal god of men and not the creator of the universe, that will also be explained away by the church with some fancy tap-dancing.

incidentally, the vatican recently announced that it is doing away with the notion of purgatory which had been concocted as the answer to the question as to why christism condemned to hell everyone who hadn't had christist 'holy water' immersion or baptism. people asked, what about babies who died before the deed? how about clearly good people like socrates who had, alas, not had the pleasure of baptism? so purgatory was invented as a holding pen for these people, and indeed for all of us 'pagans' -- or perhaps we are condemned straightaway to hell.

anyway, they just did away with purgatory. ratzinger has decided that it's baptism or hell. how conveniently these myths are created and discarded! the whim of a godman is all it takes.

and let's not dismiss the article just because it came from the organizer.

i noticed that a christist posted as 'evidence' something from something from a rag called 'countercurrents'. this is a christist-fundamentalist funded rag that also pulls in various islamists and marxists -- all in the 'big tent' to attack hindus. is 'countercurrents' a biased source? is ratzinger catholic? the 'organizer' is far better than this.

Truth can kill the West &page=15

By M.S.N. Menon
December 04, 2005

Truth can kill the West—the truth about Christianity. It is all in the Dead Sea scrolls.

The Dead Sea scrolls were discovered in 1947. But nothing has been done to reveal their truth. In fact, the Church was so secretive about them that it made them inaccessible to even religious authorities.

The secrecy continued till 1991. On September 22, 1991 the Huntington Library of California, which had photocopies of all Dead Sea scrolls, released them. The Vatican, which was worried about the contents of the scrolls, was naturally outraged.

What is the untold story in the Dead Sea scrolls? Perhaps we will never know fully. We know now that an extremist Jewish sect, which had revolted against Jewish orthodoxy, were perhaps the authors of the scrolls. They lived in Qumran (a Palestinian mountain region). But Qumran was destroyed by the Romans during 66-74 AD. Or in an earthquake. And with that we have lost much of the story of the Essene, too, a Buddhist sect which lived in Qumran. But on them later.

The Qumran sect believed that a Messiah would be born among them with a new message. It is said that the Gospel writers were inspired by this Messiah. Perhaps Jesus is a fiction?

The Qumran scrolls, it is believed, were written 100-200 years before the birth of Christ. It even talked of a "Son of God".

We know now that the leader of the early church of Jerusalem was not Jesus, but a man called James, the Righteous—a minor figure in the Bible. Biblical scholars say that the destruction could have been carried out by Saul (St. Paul). Latter, he got converted to the Qumran lore. Hence early Chritianity was called "Pauline Christianity".

The scrolls reveal that Jews had nothing to do with the killing of Jesus Christ. It was all a fabricated story. If this is the truth, the Jews have a cause celebre against the Christian world for the persecution they suffered for 2,000 years. This is yet another reason why the Christian church would want the story to remain untold.

It is very clear that early Christianity was Qumranian. James was a Jew, but a revolutionary, which explains the revolutionary nature of his doctrines. He believed in ahimsa (non-violence) and said that "the Kingdom of God is within you" —an idea purely Hindu-Buddhist. They could not have come either from Greece or Jewish sources. But Pauline Christianity was anti-James. St. Paul gave it a new direction. Christianity, as it exists today, may turn out to be the greatest deception on the Christian world.

But one day the truth will be out. It cannot remain hidden for ever. Pope Leo X (1513-21) admitted centuries ago: "It has served us well this myth of Christ." (In my article of October 9, 2005, I said that a bishops' Commission rejected the claim that Jesus was crucified. Islam refused to acknowledge it to this day—author)

It was this myth and others of its kind that the scrolls threatened to expose. The Germans were the first to be uneasy about these tall claims of the church. Hence the revolt of Luther against Rome. "By absorbing so many elements from other religions, Christianity had come to offer more than any one of them could offer by itself", says Northcote Parkinson. So much for the claim to originality!

According to Pliny ( Roman historian) and Josephus (Jewish historian), the Essene had existed on the banks of the Jordan and the East Bank of the Dead Sea for at least 150 years before Jesus. They were engaged in teaching Buddhism. The Jewish historian H.Graetz called Christianity "Essenism with foreign elements". This alone can explain the non-violence they preached in a region notorious for its violence!

Pliny, the Elder, describes the Essene as "a lonely people...without any women, who have renounced human love and live quite pennilessly under the palms". Little was known of them till the discovery of the scrolls in Qumran.

So, was there a historical figure called Jesus Christ? Was he a student of Buddhism? Was he crucified? Was there a resurrection? The future of Christianity will depend on the answers. They can change the course of human history.

Herbert Mueller writes: "The Synoptic gospels make clear that Jesus did not make open claims to divinity... he did not offer salvation through a redeeming Lord... (But) the church went on to make him equal to God and to insist that salvation was possible only through Jesus Christ."

The gulf between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith is so wide today that Christianity is dying today in the West. It is quite evident that the Christianity we know today is a reconstruction by the church to suit its objectives. When all these and other matters will come to be known from the Qumran scrolls, the Christian world will be ready to die of shame. But the Christ of faith will perhaps live on. As a Buddhist?


Anonymous said...

About the often repeated "showing the other cheek....." Jesus Christ certainly
does not advocate passive surrendering of the entire body to be pummelled!

He has talked about vegetarianism, reincarnation and blanket condemnation of 'conversions' too.

Can't fool all the people all the time,every goddamned day!

Anonymous said...

Refer to Sanrant Sanu's article too,posted in Rajeev's blog.With their money and muscle power,churchian converters pose as grave a danger as marauding muslims!

Anonymous said...

Do we believe in Veris? Pikav? Ghorat? Do you really wish to discuss these beliefs? By discussing the Christain beliefs in the logical framework, aren't we promoting these very beliefs? Let the christains debate their beliefs and let the Hindus debate their own beliefs. I, for one, am totally against non-Hindus ridiculing Hindu beliefs, and similarly, I am against non-Christians ridiculing Christian beliefs.

Anyway, does Rajeev really think that those who are in a position to discuss these beliefs meaningfully will embrace any religion out of coercion? The blatant conversions have to be tackled at the ground level, there is no philosophical issue there.

Anonymous said...

On Christian Expansionism:

I think many do it for very selfish
reasons. But many do it out of
genuine concern. Can they be blamed
when Jesus has actually said
"I am the only Way".

The problem is that they took the
"I" to mean the individual entity
who made the statement.

Whereas Jesus clearly said "I and the Father are One". Which is
really exactly the same as "Aham Brahmasmi". He was self-realized, and in a state of Divine, Universal
Love. Only such a person could say
while dying on the cross - "Father
forgive them, for they know not
what they do". (Assuming this was
historically correct).

Sri Krishna also said "I am the
only Way, surrender to Me".

Both were right, when you realise
that the "I" they were talking
about is the "higher I" expressed
through that person, and not at all
the personal "I".

It is this ignorance that needs to
be removed everywhere in the world.

Then maybe half the conversion
activity will stop.

Tall order, isnt it ?!

The other half that comes from
greed and fanaticism wont stop.
That has to be studied and
tackled quite separately.

Savitha R.

Anonymous said...

Church is indeed having all qualities of a marauding MNC. They see all non-belivers as potential 'competitors' and try their best to annhilate them and their worship centers (they tried to burn Sabarimala). To satisfy their evil agenda, they would go to any extenet to bully the democratic governments as we see in Kerala. Today Kerala is fully in the grip of corrupt minority Churchist politicians, who have time only to lick the Church and abuse other worship centers. When a Bishop house was attacked by local converts, all politicians rushed to appease the frocklings. When Hindu temples are robbed, no one is bothered! Church is looting the forests with the spirit and sandalwood mafia , and they have strong support from communal politicians like Oomen and Maani. With money and power, they control the laity with lies, myths like visit of Thomas or even fool the public using the charity gimmicks of drug mafia queens like Theresas.

Anonymous said...

Christianity is dying in the west? What was this guy smoking when he wrote this?

Anonymous said...

Savitha R
I agree with you about the Aham Brahmasmi part. Just so you know, Christ said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life", not I am the "only" Way.
But your post is very correct, couldnt agree more.

It would have been nice to see you reacting similarily to anons who agree with you too. What is the use of a name when you could name yourself anything? No point, IMO.

Anonymous said...

Moronic Hindus should stop trying to interpret Christianity on behalf of Christians. Christians are perfectly capable of interpreting Christianity for themselves. Jesus said : "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father *except through me*."
Savithas dishonest supression of the second sentence above will fool no Christian.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Anonymous Coward,

I, a Hindu, went up to this blog to
say good things about Jesus, who is
a charcter I have loved greatly
since childhood.

I have written to the best of my
knowledge and ablity. I do not
claim to be a Bible Pundit.

And Mr. ANnonymous Coward, who
cant even write his name or say
thank you, calls me "dishonest"!!!

I suggest we all stop replying to
mean comments from the likes of
you. You dont deserve any attention
from honest and courageous people
who keep this blog and write here,
and risk whatever people think
and say about them.

Savitha R.

Anonymous said...

Dear Folks,

In any case, logically, the
below two statements mean EXACTLY
the same thing:

"I am the only Way"


"I am the Way. No one comes to the
Father except through me".

What I was bringing up was the very
interpretation of the word "Me".

When a person has MERGED with the
Father, is there a "me" left ?
The individual "me" has gone.

Sighhh.. this is not a simple
thing to discuss.

Mr. Anonymous, dont ever write to
us again without your real name.
We are not dishonest people. Write
your name and stand up for what you

Savitha R.

Anonymous said...

Savitha is right.But bigots have a different objective;churchianity is big business.Can't talk sense to ignoramuses.

Anonymous said...

For a detailed treatment of this subject, I recommend reading "Profiles in Deception: Ayodhya and the Dead Sea Scrolls" by N.S Rajaram (Voice of India).



Anonymous said...

Churchians cannot claim exoneration for wrong interpretation of "I" as Jesus Christ, clearly states "I am that I am".

In fact 'crucifixion' means transcending the mistaken identity of the Self with the body....when the ego is crucified (or when the 'individual' is found to be
a non existent illusion or bluff)what survives is the Absolute Being.

The above is the gist of what Ramana Maharishi told many truth seeking white christians who came to Him for Enlightenment.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Savitha is interested in my name. I am sure she wants to send some Bajrang Dal goons to my place.

FInally. Hindus should stop interpreting Christianity. The Hindu brain is incapable of comprehending the greatness of christianity, you Hindus better concern yourself with things like : which stone should I worship today.