Monday, March 26, 2012

U.S. Healthcare By Numbers

United States ranking in the 34 member OECD:
1st in Obesity.

2nd in Prevalence of Diabetes.

3rd out of nine in Waiting Time for Specialists.

4th in Preventing Death from Stroke
7th in Cancer Incidence.

9th in Preventing Death from Cancer.

11th of 11 in Unmet Need for Care Due to Cost - United States ranks last in its ability to provide affordable care.

25th in Preventing Death from Heart Disease.

27th in Life Expectancy.

29th in Number of Practicing Doctors.
First in Spending - Annual healthcare spending totals $2.6 trillion, or 17.9 percent of annual GDP.


Arvind said...

More proof that government regulations need to go. The bad parts of US healthcare can all be traced to government interference. The good part which makes it the world's best system can be traced to the free enterprise component.

Notice that the system in UK and Canada is so bad that people from those countries are flocking to India for treatment, while people like Sonia Gandhi have to go to the US for treatment.

sansk said...

It the result of unholy nexus of protectected insurance companies, a tendency to sue at the drop of hat. This is a direct consequence of insurance and pharma business intesrests buyout of political class.

The amount of junk food in typical American diet is staggerring.