Thursday, March 10, 2011

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics

A Japanese company has developed a method for rapid manufacture of carbon fiber reinforced parts:

Like they said to Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate - the future is plastics, m'boy, plastics. ;P

1 comment:

nizhal yoddha said...

the actual immortal words (or word?):

Mr. McGuire: I just want to say one word to you – just one word.
Ben: Yes sir.
Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
Ben: Yes I am.
Mr. McGuire: ‘Plastics.’

what a great movie! one of the all-time best entertainers ever. and to think that hoffman and the late anne bancroft were actually only about 6-7 years apart in age! and the simon-garfunkel music too, awesome stuff. coo-coo cachoo, mrs. robinson, jesus loves you more than you will know.

i remember seeing the movie in IIT madras's open-air theater with a bunch of buddies. we were all, at that hormone-driven age, hoping to find our own mrs. robinsons!