mar 30th, 2011 CE
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From: Rajiv Malhotra
From: Rajiv Malhotra
Please read my latest Huffington Post blog, “How Evangelists Invented 'Dravidian Christianity'” posted at:
I hope you will read this blog and comment on it at HuffPost. It is a brief synopsis of one chapter from my new book described at:
This message was sent from:
Rajiv Malhotra | Princeton, NJ 08542
Wikileaks: Australian diplomats were quietly acknowledging to their U.S. counterparts that attacks on Indian students were indeed racially driven.
Julia Gillard, then the deputy prime minister of Australia, visited India in 2009 after a series of attacks on Indian students in the country, but the visit was a "wasted opportunity" that did nothing to address the anger in India, according to WikiLeaks cables.
Look forward to getting this book. Ishwar Sharan detailed the case against the Saint Thomas hoax in his excellent book The Myth of Saint Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple. Rajiv Malhotra follows in the footsteps of the redoubtable late Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup, intellectual giants whose demise was immeasurable; although most Indians (and Hindus) are unaware of their magnificent contributions. This was the type of scholarship that is solely lacking in the Sangh Parivar. More power to Malhotra.
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