Date: Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 4:07 PM
Subject: Red Alert: Nuclear Meltdown at Quake-Damaged Japanese Plant
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Nuclear power is necessary for India's economic and energy security. The best thing to do is to take appropriate precautions by not building powerplants in vulnerable zones, and to use the safest designs available.
The world simply cannot live without nuclear power, which is indispensible for the viability of the world economy.
no such thing as safe, non-vulnerable zones... seismologists continue to find new faults that they didn't know before... and with huge dams like the 3-gorges, new faults continue to form, dynamically creating new ones
u r stretching it too far when u claim the world cannot live without nuclear power.. u r kidding right?
The world can of course live without nuclear power...
The perils of nuclear power are far too much in comparisoon to the electricity it produces...especially in a banana republic like India...
We choose to not invest in R & D of alternate sources of energy and we pay the price for it...There is no concept of energy security in India.. The current concept involves begging and being subservient to Sheikhs and Arab World.. or prostrating in front of some gora for nuclear energy throwing away billions of dolllars...
A mumbai style attack on Kalpakkam and Tarapore and I would like to see, what u r views on nuclear energy then are.. given India will once again give STERRRN warnings and DOSSIERS will be exchanged over the dead bodies of millions of Indians...
san, i must beg to differ. india does not *nuclear* energy. it needs energy, period.
the tradeoffs in a non-secure nation like india for nuclear power plants is too high. we will have a chernobyl every year from a) construction faults due to someone bribing the guy who okays the containment vessel for instance, b) terrorists finding clever ways of infiltrating the nuke plants. we have seen all sorts of mysterious glitches (including radiation poisoning in a water cooler) recently.
the alternative is a backward, pre-industrialized economy, afflicted by lots of naxalism
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