Thursday, March 03, 2011

Bernard Lewis: the false hope of arab 'democracy'

interesting points made by Lewis (unfairly tagged as the new-con historian of choice - his books are more subtle and many-sided)

these 'heady' arab revolts will likely come to nothing. some algerian expats I talked to (there is a sizeable Berber expat population here - and they will remind you Berber's are not Arabs) ...they think the Egypt is heading the Pakistan way .... a country posessed by an army

looks like Libya will have an ugly ending too. most likely a civil war in which 'south asian' workers will get killed by both sides. (yes the Brits and Americans have already left in case Manmohan did not notice)

these countries have no institutions to fall back on; so there is very little chance of 'democracy' emerging.

of course - the same holds true for india too; madam and her kuttan have alredy subverted all institutions (e.g. election commission evm fraudsters, supreme court justices, the whole ELM press)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Didn't read the article, but one thing is sure: Where there is Islam, Democracy lives looking over her shoulder.