Wednesday, October 08, 2008

desicritics response to godman whining in bangalore


CVSMurty said...

Scanned copies of the contents of the 'Satya Darshini' are avaiable at the following website:


Tranquil said...

Nicely written.

However , I am CERTAINLY NOT going to vilify Bajrang Dal AT ALL.Period.

If Hindus like me are able to muster some courage and walk with legitimate pride it is all due to those self respecting fearless Warriors of Bajrang Dal.

Not gorement of india.

To hell with this deceptive chimerical "hindu-christian amity".
Let us not allow ourselves to be conned into this subterfuge.

We Hindus ought to reclaim OUR Karpagambikai & Vael Ilangu Kanni Temples.In addition to rest of our precious Land.

Those bishops & pastors are unmitigated vandals cum thieves.Just as we the suckers subsidize haj travel, let us put them all in alitalia aircrafts (is it bankrupt btw;?)and deport them with no return tickets to vatican.
Chaperoned by tr baalus & allied footsoldiers.

The resources in BharatVarsh cannot sustain predaciously inimical toxins & parasites.

It is a question of SURVIVAL of our Vedic Dharmam!

Tranquil said...

The death threats issued to Sri.Praveen Togadia do not perturb the secular vote gluttons of India.

They are volubly resorting to *interfaith dialogues*.A self styled ad hoc indoo fence mender assures of rebuilding some village in Orissa to impress the churchianity peddlers.

Secular christianized jizya from Hindus to pander to our potentially inimical adversaries.


NEVER trust these politicians.