Saturday, October 18, 2008

Buckley Jr. roots for Obama

Sorry, Dad, I'm Voting for Obama - The Daily Beast

I am afraid it is curtains for McCain - unless the Bubba's turn up in large numbers. Obama is the luckiest devil alive, as pointed out by Michael Gerson, McCain is not fighting an opponent but history at this point. Clearly the Palin effect wore off earlier than intended.

Who wins does nto matter to Indians anyways. If Obama wins, the ersatz PM's false promise on the nuclear deal will be shown up for what it is - the Non-proliferation wallahs will be back in business.


truti said...

So Ghost Writer you would rather have racists turning out for Obama and setting the clock back by 50 years? So that's what we Indians want to be - honorary whites as in apartheid South Africa?

nizhal yoddha said...

sadly for you, truti, most of thw white racists of 'mississippi burning' etc. were in fact democrats. the south was solidly democratic until the reagan years.

indians are going to be on thin ice in the us regardless of who wins: evangelist or protectionist. a word to the wise: it may be a good idea to invest in a pension plan in rupees esp now what the $ is strong against the rupee.

of course this assumes that the other Great Leader rahul doesn't come to power.