Tuesday, March 13, 2007

DMK Has a Lot of Balls

A wealthy DMK supporter has been arrested after being fingered by a smuggler for financing a transaction involving the smuggling of a large consignment of ball bearings. Once again we have an instance of a state-within-a-state exercising their own independent foreign policy, irrespective of the consequences for the country.


TallIndian said...

Interesting article on India/USA/China rivalry. So India is now taken as serious world power!


Anoop's Blog said...

I always wondered what ever happened to Missionaries of Charity in India after Mother Teresa died. There is hardly any mention in ELM. Did they go out of business or is it just that brown skin is running it now so it is not appealing any more.

Certainly no mention in western world after Mother Teresa died.. but in Indian Media?

If anybody has any opinion
please bring it up..

Just curious
Just curious