Saturday, April 03, 2010

hilarious: i was wondering when the vatican would use the N-word

apr 3rd, 2010

particularly entertaining coming from the vatican, with its history of genocide against jews. wasn't there some godman, pius xxiii or leo xiv or something (can't keep these blighters' names and numbers straight) who basically worked out an 'understanding' with the nazis about their genocide of jews?


Arvind said...

isn't tomorrow the day that people in philippines nail themselves to wooden sticks? looking forward to seeing news items about those.

Truth Always Wins said...

the christist have just shot themselves in the balls when suddenly this preacher of the pope comes along and shoots himself and his faith in his feet. So now they dont know, should they hold on to their balls or feet or both.

exosing christianity's true agenda said...

Imagine for a moment that Hindu temples across North America, Europe, India suddenly had youngsters coming forward and accusing Hindus of abuse. Can you imagine the outrage? I believe ALL abusers deserve the strictest punishment.


1. Sonia would come out of her closet and demand that the Catholic Church occupy 10% of all Parliament seats in India

2. All temples in North America, Europe, and regions outside of india would be taken over by the government.

3. Wendy Doniger would write a new book.

4. oprah would have Wendy Doniger on her show

5. The real prize for christists - Hindu children would be harrased in their schools and would be forced to convert or face being shunned.

6. All Hindu marriages would be outlawed and No Hindu women would be allowed to marry Hindu men.

7. All Hindu temples outside of India would be liquidated ad all of the gold and wealth would be transferred and distributed to other Christian denominations.

This is an absolute nightmare. Unbelievably scary.

My absolute outrage is why this nightmare scenario HAS NOT HAPPENED TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.

How and why do they still prosper with their racist, sexist, anti-child, anti-victim agenda!?!?