Saturday, April 17, 2010

we had solved the mystery of benazir's assassination: mushy's dog buster, hediddit

apr 17th, 2010

why all this fuss and whodunnits and so on? we proved conclusively here that the villain was mushy's dog buster, that crafty hound! see how he has cleverly avoided the limelight and prevented any suspicions from landing on him. that itself is proof of complicity in the kiling.


Ghost Writer said...

the dog played a necessary, but insufficient part in BB's spontaneous combustion (contrary to public opinion she was not assassinated. in fact she spontaneously combusted)

as you will recall - the pakistani authorities said that she died because she hit her head on the Toyota SUV's door latch. this is entirely plausible - in fact it is not surprising that a few months after the Toyota cruelly killed BB - the Americans are realising what an awful company Toyota is. Do you know why Toyoata has so many recalls? - it is because Our Lady Virgin of Ironpants (BB was cryptochristist) - Our Lady - she is up there and taking revenge on that Toyota company.

Watch as she shall utterly smite Toyota

nizhal yoddha said...

:-) thank you ghostwriter, that is creative!