Monday, April 12, 2010

why aren't christists up in arms? because they pee in their pants re mohammedans

apr 11th, 2010

i am not at all a fan of paul zachariah, but this is an interesting story.

why isn't john dayal getting his knickers in a twist about one of their own being tortured? or the pope? or sajan george of the christist whatever council?

because all christists are scared speechless of mohammedans. 

now imagine if there had a hindu involved. john "i was bitten by a mosquito, it must have been an RSS mosquito" dayal screeching and calling down the wrath of the USCIRF.

hey, dayal, no USCIRF when mohammedans (or those acting on behalf of mohammedans) oppress you? just like you were deafeningly quiet when a christist guy who married a mohammedan woman was hacked to death in bangalore a couple of years ago? or when scores of christist nun women are molested, raped, and murdered in convents?

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