Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Religious Card - Whose?

Once again, those responding to an attack are being blamed as instigators. Godhra has merely become one example in a growing series of such games. Since the assassination of the Hindu priest was the trigger for the current strife, how is it possible that the Hindus are the provocateurs?

We really need to create our own FOX News, to get our viewpoint out there.
The NRI market would be the initial base market to cater to, since they're less Leftist, and since they also have more disposable income to attract advertisers. But then such a network should be spread to reach all over India and the region. We should really study the Murdoch/FOX methodology and strategy.

Perhaps Gujarat could serve as a local hub for such a network, since it's a strongly conservative bastion. We need to think of the fortress approach. The entire country cannot be secured upfront, to safely express conservative views. So we need to adopt the strategy of finding a secure hub/base from which such views can be expressed without govt interference, and then expand outwards from there. Chalk it up to the Triage Principle.


Tranquil said...

Indeed. We Hindus are being called "evil " & perpetrators of " genocide ". LOL...

But read the following to get an insight into their mindset which has not changed much.

That charles dickens (!!) fulminated like a savage tyrant & wrote during India's First War of Independence 1857:

‘I wish I were a Commander In Chief in India. The first thing I would do to strike that Oriental Race with amazement....should be to proclaim to them that my holding that appointment by the leave of God, to mean that I should do my utmost to exterminate the race upon whom the stain of the late cruelties rested; and that I was there for that purpose and no other, . . .now proceeding, with all convenient dispatch and merciful swiftness of execution, to blot it out of mankind and raze it off the face of the Earth.’

" right from the beginning the British Government gave it the colonial name of ‘MUTINY’"

Many of the early reports played up the racial superiority of the British race. For example the Saturday Review wrote about the ‘resolute vigour of the Anglo Saxon race’. The political tragedy of India today is that instead of the British lions killing the Bengal Tigers, a pack of Italian wolves are preying upon the Indian tigers!!


and savagery of the inhuman punishments handed out by the British “Army of Retribution” in India were considered generally appropriate and justified by the public of England at that time. The distinguished Victorian scholar Peter Brantlinger has written that no event raised national hysteria in Britain to a higher pitch, and no event in the 19th century took a greater hold on the British imagination than the Indian Mutiny. To quote his exact words ‘Victorian writing about the Mutiny expresses in concentrated form the racist ideology that Edward Said calls Orientalism’.

Speaking in the House of Commons in July 1857, Benjamin Disraeli described the uprising of 1857 as a ‘national revolt’ while Lord Palmerston, the then Prime Minister, tried to down play the scope and the significance of the event as a ‘mere military mutiny’ . Reflecting this debate, the early historian of the rebellion, Charles Ball, though he sided with the name of ‘Mutiny’ in his title (using mutiny and sepoy insurrection), yet he labeled it a ‘struggle for liberty and independence as a people’ in the text of his book.


Victor Hugo rightly said that revolution is the lava of civilization. Political convulsions, like geological upheavals, often usher in new epochs in the life of any nation. The War of 1857 was undoubtedly an epoch-making event in India’s struggle for freedom. For what the British sought to deride as a mere sepoy mutiny was India’s First War of Independence in a very true sense, when people from all walks of life, irrespective of their caste, creed, religion and language, rose against the British rule.

The most corrupt and fraudulent UPA Government under the deathly stranglehold of Sonia Gandhi and her family...

The common people of India have come to realize that the UPA Government is a Government of traitors, by traitors and for traitors from Italy."

V Sundaram


Tranquil said...


Are Hindus Violent?

By Bandyopadhyay Arindam

Part II is to follow soon.

ramesh said...

san, u are absolutely right. Hindus need their own FOX news.
Did u se this article in the NY Times yesterday: "Hindu Threat to Christians: Convert or Flee" by SOMINI SENGUPTA. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/13/world/asia/13india.html?_r=1&em&oref=slogin

this is the kind of image that leading newspapers like W Post or NY Times have given to the hindus.

Tranquil said...


Save us from Christian brutalities

Scheduled Tribes of North-East and minority communities of Indian origin urge NCM.