Sunday, October 12, 2008

ironic, ain't it? a hindu to manage US bailout?

oct 11th, 2008

convert bobby jindal must be gnashing his teeth. why not me, see i am a good little uncle-tom, he must be whining to bush. i am amazed john dayal is not in washington demanding that kashkari be fired and jindal appointed in his stead.

other racists are in evidence in the comments on this blogpost.


syed asadullah said...

A Background story: Outrage as Muslim cleric likens women to 'uncovered meat'
Mullahs living in advanced countries too may not be very different from those inhabiting remote tribal regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan or the deserts of the Middle East. This is exemplified by the following story being presented here as a backgrounder to what is going on today in the remote regions of South Asia where people may have accepted Islam but insist on living according to their pre-Islamic tribal codes of behaviour while giving it the name of Islam, thus doing enormous damage to a religion which came to free humanity from oppression and slavery of all sorts.
A Muslim cleric's claim that women who do not wear the veil are like 'uncovered meat' who attract sexual predators sparked outrage around Australia some time ago. Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, the nation's most senior Muslim cleric, compared immodestly-dressed women who do not wear the Islamic headdress with meat that is left uncovered in the street and is then eaten by cats. Politicians including Prime Minister John Howard, community leaders and a large number of Muslims condemned the mufti's comments amid calls that he should be deported to Egypt, his country of origin. He has since been forced to apologise for his remarks.
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India: Wahhabi Taliban onslaught on Sunni Muslims - Clean-shaven Muslim’s daughter killed, 4 injured

In a Saharanpur village clean-shaven Mohammad Iqbal got severely beaten up for his ‘crime’ of saying Takbeer in a mosque and in the ensuing violence that involved the whole village his 7-year-old daughter lost her life while four people got injured. An eye-opening report by Saleh Ahqar of Delhi’s premier Urdu Daily Hindustan Express’ News Bureau from Saharanpur, a stronghold of Deobandi Talibani Wahhabism in Uttar Pradesh.
Editor, adds: The Wahhabi onslaught on Sunni Indian Muslims is now acquiring overtones of Talibani extremism and violence. What was considered harmless Tabligh (sermonizing) engaged in by the Tablighi Jamaat and similar Wahhabi organisations of the Deoband school of thought is asserting itself now through growing violence in its bid to acquire control of more and more Sunni Muslim mosques.
This has already happened in Pakistan where most Sunni Muslim mosques and madrasas are now controlled by a small minority of Wahhabis....
The day is probably not far when à la Taliban’s Afghanistan clean-shaven Muslims will not be allowed to even enter mosques and will face social boycott.
It’s time the larger Muslim community woke up and took notice of the growing Talibani culture in India. We should take a leaf out of recent Pakistani history.
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syed asadullah said...

Opening the Book of Islam, seeking to understand terms like kafir, mushrik, jihad and qital
Terms like kafir (unbeliever), mushrik (idol-worshipper), jihad (to strive) and qital (killing in war), cited by several medieval invaders, buried the fact that well before their invasions, Arab Muslims had peaceful trade contacts with India’s long coasts. Jains and Hindus reportedly even built mosques for them. Today, when these words, through the acts perpetrated in their name, have demonised Islam worldwide, peaceful and learned Muslim clerics and commentators keep trying to explain that jihad signifies ‘striving’ to become a good human being, writes Renuka Narayanan in her column in Hindustan Times, New Delhi.
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Tranquil said...

>>Arab Muslims had peaceful trade contacts with India’s long coasts. Jains and Hindus reportedly even built mosques for them<<

Look at the present to fathom the past ( sanitised & whitewashed).

India still has trade contacts with islamic countries.Indian onions get exported to Somalia.MFN status is conferred on pukistan.Add to that rebuilding projects in afghanistan , free medical treatment and so on.

Indian onions did not deter somali pirates.Indian Airlines was hijacked by muslim terrorists (tautology there;)No azim premji is going to feel for Kashmiri Hindus massacred.Would wring their hands attributing it to inshaallah.

>> thus doing enormous damage to a religion which came to free humanity from oppression and slavery of all sorts<<

Thanks for the laughs.