Saturday, October 04, 2008

how nuclear weapons can be dropped on you by accident courtesy fake chinese micro chips

oct 4th, 2008

thanks to a pointer from tambidude. the american military is being compromised by these fake chips, which is ironic in a way. it turns out that pentagon-supplied gps-enabled trojan horse chips embedded in standard HP printers were used to figure out the locations of iraqi anti-aircraft batteries which had bought these devices!

the chinese are indeed moving up the value chain -- from fake sneakers to fake microchips, yeah!

do note the pakistani connection as well. and why don't they say 'south asian' now that a pakistani mohammedan has been caught? why is she a 'subcontinental' person? yet another example of the sino-mohammedan axis?

and of course, these fake chinese chips will be present in the lovely nuclear reactors sold to india by the kind americans. chernobyls courtesy our friendly neighborhood chinese merchants of death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi nizhal, in the same issue there is another great anti china article.

Of late Businessweek is going hammer and tongs on Chinese companies, their ethics and quality. By any chance did you join their editorial staff. he he.