Monday, April 14, 2008

Now the Sino-Christist gun on India's head

If ti were not bad enough that one Indic civilization in Tibet is being wiped out - the only Hindu nation in the world will now be under the rule of more of China's thugs.

It is widely rumored that Prachanda is not an atheist, but a Christian; it makes complete sense to me. One Desert Semitic Death Cult is not enough - he needs two. This will create a new terror belt from Uttaranchal to Bihar. Bangladesh will now have competition over how many Hindus it can kill


Sameer said...
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Christian said...
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Sameer said...

Yes, it is unfortunate that Nepal is on the path to become another Tibet....

It will become another Bangladesh and will be a hub for ISI (yes it already was, but now it will be full fledged) and Chinese intelligence and will be a fertile ground for the christist vultures.

On this day of SriRama Navami, lets pray that the new year Vishu, Poila Boishak, Rongali Bihu, Baisakhi and Tamil New Year brings in some positive change for Indians and Hindus worldwide....

Wish you all a Happy new year.
Jai Sri Ram.

Sameer said...

Dear Christie,

We know how unethical and un principled you christists are...
You kill communism where it hurted you (Poland) but are bed pals with them in India and Nepal.

You kill your co-semites Mohammedans in their lands and Philipines, but are happy partnering with them in India under the tag of 'minorities'.

On one hand you killed jews in millions and now pretend you are their friends (in the hope that all jews convert to your cult and you get the holy land.... how sick!!!).

ramesh said...

who is responsible for this mess in Nepal. The corrupt feudal Hindu elite (for whom the bells now toll). Its the same sick story in all the "Indic" cultures -- India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Burma. Hindus/Buddhists knowingly or unknowingly bringing the roof down on their heads.

bly243001 said...

M. K. Bhadrakumar calls for Nepal like "Maoist" revolution in India

...After 60 years of uninterrupted democratic pluralism, vast sections of Indian society are yet to realize the potentials of political empowerment. The Nepalese people have come from behind and overtaken the Indians in expanding the frontiers of "bourgeois" politics.

Anonymous said...

"The corrupt feudal Hindu elite "...I think it is the anglicized class...if they are insulted seriously, they will look twice...One straight towards an award from west. Two backwords to explain that the insult should pass on to less rational people.

BTW These Bhadrakumars may mean it, they have significant suffocation mechanism in place.

socal said...

"Mufti says allow Pak currency in Kashmir"

socal said...

Well, Hitler was trained to be a Jesuit. If you read Mein Kampf translations there are clear references to "our God, church" etc. in his writings.

The anti-semitism that spawned Hitler and helped him get widespread support was directly related to Christian prejudice-- fanned by the Catholic church over centuries, and bigotry against Jews. The blood libel was not Hitler's invention but a staple of Christian teaching and practice.

Anonymous said...

What about Shekhar Gupta of Indian Expreess- The guy who rationalized terrorist attack in Mumbai train ?