Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Is this Nishkaam Karma?

The Yanks are waking up to the process of exceeding by suppressing the ego - turning away all thoughts but of the task at hand. Does it sound like a pale version of the idea of action without attachment to the fruits thereof?

This Dorfman guy may have read the Gita

1 comment:

slim_shady said...

Without a doubt. Concepts like "tyranny of the scattered mind" and performance of one's task without regard to ego or fear of failure and a whole lot more, prevail throughout Indic philosophies, ancient (Vedas/Upanishads) and relatively modern (Bhagavad Gita/Yoga Sutras).

Although this is the case, it is the unfathomable, and arguably unique, greatness of Indian culture and philosophy that allows it to maintain a profound humility, despite having revealed the subtlest truths to various levels of mental comprehension.