Sunday, April 20, 2008

blogspot question

apr 19th, 2008

is there a simple way of deleting comments by a person with a specific id?

there is such a way for wordpress, so that pest control is easier.

at the moment, i am finding it inconvenient to manually delete the rants of the famous one-handed typist and porn-consumer, 'major jacob', ratzy's own pal. i'd like to be able to send all his posts to the trash automatically. is there a way?


slim_shady said...

Rajeev, what is your take on the reservation issue? Instead of becoming a meritocracy, won't India become a competitive backwater? I fear this is more State intervention than necessary - and it's going to hurt the country.

slim_shady said...

Also, here is a brief yet interesting video meant for Chicago police officers to learn about Hinduism: Hinduism for US police

kautilya said...

nopes, no way to pest control here.
but even if you had, that sucker will change his id and be a nuisance nevertheless..

sometimes its best to ignore i guess