Perhaps the Indian Express' in house astrologer wrote this editorial. Look at how shameless these blighters are - Obama is one of the most fraudulent people to ever run for President; but being black means you cannot say anything against him in the US. Just as being Muslim or 'backward caste' in India guarantees you teflon coating - so it is with race in America.
You can ignore the tripe about the deal too - it is clinically dead and being kept alive on the life support of popular English media
Indian ELM knows nothing about US elections. The day Obama won Potomac primaries I ordered a couple of McCain bumper stickers. It seems a lot of centrists are also doing the same thing because know body knows who this guy is and it gives them shivers at the thought of this novice occupying the White House.
So far this guy was given a free pass by the media and was handled with kid gloves by his democratic rivals but once he wins the nomination make no mistake the republican smear machine will come out swinging and will take him apart. There is already allegation/rumor that he was involved in a gay relationship not so long ago. All the skeletons, real or otherwise, will tumble out of his closet and when that happens he will be buried. I cannot believe Dems are falling for this fake and are about to nominate him against a war veteran in a time of war. They can forget about seeing a Dem in the Oval office anytime soon.
Obama is definitely a Manchurian Candidate, waiting to show his true colours once he is elected. It deja vu again...Al Taqiyah at its best
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