Monday, March 19, 2007

two rupee coin now has christist cross on it

march 18th, 2007

without fuss, the christists have managed this. has there been any debate in the media or even any indication that this is coming?

no matter that the state is in ruins (nandigram, chattisgarh maoist attacks). isn't the love of the GOF wonderful?

GOF = god of fundamentalists, a vicious nasty little tribal god, the false god worshipped by christists


Ghost Writer said...

Is that not against the tenets of the 'secular polity'? Perhaps a PIL is in order?
However, in a land given to metaphysics; perhaps two rupees is all their exclusive God is worth (notice the capitalised G unlike in your 'home state' of California!!!). What was it about serving the Lord or serving Mammon?

But Sir, coins have been minted, they have come and gone. The Islamist warlords that ruled over the country minted theirs and their blood thirsty children and grandchildren minted theirs too. All reduced to dust or to irrelevant museum articles. This too shall pass.

Unknown said...

No I think I was right, I was able to dig up that article of yours ...

I will even reproduce it for you below...


Is something supernatural happening?

I pooh-poohed one T John when he claimed that the Gujarat quake was a sign from above, but now I am beginning to wonder.

The devastation by the tsunami in Tamil Nadu, could it be a caveat from Up There about the atrocities being visited on the Kanchi Acharya? About adharma gaining ground?

There are mysterious forces out there that are not fully understood by our oh-so-rational selves. I am reminded of the strange signs and omens that historians recorded before calamities: for instance the rain of frogs in Vietnam preceding the cataclysmic war. Or the odd celestial signs that preceded the death of Julius Caesar.

It is said that the very elements can be affected by the mystical powers of sages who have acquired superhuman powers through meditation and sadhana. I think we should all tread carefully, for now we are treading on things we do not know.




Ghost Writer said...

Eureka moment indeed Abhay. Except the person you are going back and forth with is KapiDhwaja and not Nizhal Yoddha. Open your eyes and see

iamfordemocracy said...

This sets up a nice precedent. BJP should go ahead and print the picture of Laxmi on ALL notes higher than 2 Rs. denomination. Let us demand that right away. (They could have done that in 2003-4. It would have been soooo difficult for others to change that.. Why they did not do anything similar is anybody's guess.)

Sohan D'souza said...

The cross has arms of equal length, and each arm is split into two rays. It's obviously a solar cross.

nizhal yoddha said...

sohan, thank you, i'll rest easy tonight. so it's only a solar cross, hallelujah. and here i was thinking it's a real cross. silly me.

solar crosses are good, right, whatever they are?

now how about your next trick, proving that the solar cross is really is a swastika. after all, those four little dots are found in all hindu swastikas, right?

Sohan D'souza said...

"and here i was thinking it's a real cross"

The only "real" cross is a geometric cross with four arms separated by right angles. If you mean that the only "real" cross is a Christian cross, you are belittling the history of cross symbols that far predates Christianity.

"now how about your next trick, proving that the solar cross is really is a swastika. after all, those four little dots are found in all hindu swastikas"

I have no intention of doing so. Solar crosses and swastikas are related to solar symbology but are not the same. Dots, however, I have seen as part of solar wheel symbols. On the other hand, I have NEVER seen dots as part of Christian crosses.

habc said...

I guess Solar Crosses are "Universal symbols" just like "Universal religions" - all other religions and symbols and gods are "false".

When we have a one world government run by the UN with one world currency then they can have universal symbols on that - till then git ya dirty smelly hand of my currency. Indian currency must have Indian symbols - no bogus "the history of cross symbols".

Harish said...

Oh guys.. please dont belittle the "history of Cross symbols".. Sohan will get angry and upset..

But yeah.. please go ahead and belittle Hindu iconography..the hindu basis of India..and plzz go ahead and disfigure Indian coins with "solar crosses" (or watever it is)..

Siddhartha Gupta said...

Sign the petition for withdawal of these coins; following is the link: