Wednesday, March 14, 2007

atlanticists getting concerned about chinese imperialism in africa

mar 13th, 2007

true to their nature, chinese will invest in the worst dictatorships, and will proliferate nuclear weapons and missiles to their pet clients (as they did with pakistan and north korea). these goodies mean that china will be the preferred power as far as NAM is concerned: in other words, the african members of NAM will become more and more aligned to china.

nice way of spending that $1 trillion trove. in the end they will make the indian ocean their private lake (as foreshadowed by the mythology of the highly exaggerated voyages of zheng he, if you remember, the eunuch mohammedan and his fleet).

actually none of this is very different from the way the NATO powers work, but they don't like the chinese copying their playbook. (remember yank support for all those latin american dictatorships).

meanwhile india's gasbag ministers talk up a storm at the NAM meeting, but get nothing tangible from their support for these crooks.

1 comment:

san said...

I really have to echo your thoughts on this, Rajeev. And this is why GLOBALIZATION IS IMPORTANT -- IT WORKS TO OUR NATURAL ADVANTAGE.

Previously, Atlanticists wanted to support China, so that it would counter neighboring India, Russia, Japan, leaving the geographically insulated European motherland free to play kingmaker.

But in our increasingly globalized world, China will not restrict itself to merely infringing upon its neighbors -- no, they'll tread on everybody's turf, including the turf of the faraway Europeans.

Haha -- score:
Globalization 1
Machiavellis 0

The world is increasingly flat. That means that even the Europeans can no longer rest confidently on which direction the Chinese dragon will roll. Good for them, now they're getting their comeuppance.