Thursday, January 19, 2006

the sultans of non-proliferation speaketh

jan 18th

these losers like milhollin and sokolski have been baying at the moon regarding india, but totally silent regarding the aq khan bazaar and chinese proliferation. although i do agree with them in a roundabout way, that the us-india deal is a bad idea (i mean for india, they mean for the purity of their very semitic and very discriminatory approach: that is, proliferation by *some* is good, by others is bad).

they must be, like that british mp galloway, in the pay of the arabs and chinese.

interesting that the bushies seem to have smelt blood: manmohan "the chinese are our brothers, and the british created india" singh must be on the verge of a total cave-in. while the rest of us are distracted by the quattrochi tamasha.

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