From: sri
Subject: Poverty among British students getting worse
*Poverty among U.K. pupils increasing **
Jeevan Vasagar
Four in 10 staff at schools and colleges across England say poverty among
their students has got worse since the recession began and that some parents
can no longer afford to give their children breakfast, according to a survey
by a teaching union.
Teachers also report cases of children wearing ill-fitting shoes, coming to
school inappropriately dressed, and missing classes because they cannot
afford bus fares. Nearly 80 per cent of staff say they have students at
their school or college living in poverty, according to the survey by the
Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL). Most teachers say students
whose families are affected by poverty are coming to school tired and
hungry. Staff say many such children cannot concentrate and have higher
rates of absence.
A teacher from Suffolk, eastern England, said: “More children from middle-
to lower-income families are not going on school trips and these families
find it difficult to meet the basic cost of living.” A teacher working with
sixth-form students in Nottingham, central England, says she had a student
who “*had not eaten for three days as their mother had no money until
payday.*” She knows of students who work long hours to pay for their bus
passes and food.
1 comment:
Cameron doesn't care - politicians live to spend other peoples' money.
Maybe the Scottish National Party will care, since they're one of the few who actually who are oriented towards the needs of their voting constituents.
I am at least glad that Cameron is now tightening up Britain's immigration system, to try to bring in only skilled people (which the Pakistanis are not.)
Maybe Cameron hopes that by making things more pleasant in Pakistan, then this will keep them over there and stop them from flooding into Britain.
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