Friday, July 24, 2009

Shrine vs Swine

Swine Flu seems tailor-made to trigger the phobias of those with a centuries-old aversion for pigs and an equally old mania for group worship:

You have to wonder what they'd do if there was a serious Swine Flu outbreak over there.

1 comment:

nizhal yoddha said...

is it because of mohdan sensitivity that this thing is now called h1n1 instead of swine flu?

will a mohammedan who gets swine flu be automatically excommunicated? or will he/she be defenstrated? or decapitated? surely he will be castrated? i mean, associating with pigs!

remember that mohdans got some limeys to ban piggy banks!

i never understood this technical question. if pigs are so bad, why did allah create them? or did somebody else create them? if so, does that mean there is another god? enquiring minds want to know, even though i don't expect a logically consistent answer, but an exhortation "believe, because it says so in the book".