Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obama screws india over on nuclear “deal”

one more step in “cap, roll-back and eliminate”. Interesting this comes the same week as Obama gave money o the pakis to kill more hindus with. this is how the yanks treat all strategic allies - by neutering them and making them utterly dependent on yankee largesse. where are the supporters of Obama and nuclear deals?

no word from Manmohan- the cash till is ringing in Switzerland. lady boos is happy


rohit vyas said...

in which world u r living man
where are hindus killed by pakis tell me?
Pakistan's economy is reeling under the pressure of war against taliban
its true that pakistan nurtured taliban and other terrorist outfits but u see pak is paying price for that how can u forget the assassination of zardari's wife
in this troubled time instead of criticizing pak or us we must pray for the complete wipe out of taliban otherwise after pak next target of taliban would be out motherland

Sameer said...

ha ha... candle wallah...

nizhal yoddha said...

no sameer, a perfect example of one of those retoxified by arjun singh and the kkkangress.

the kid obviously has not heard of 11/26. or seen the channel 4 video.

Shahryar said...

@Rohit! Such innocence!

I guess we too were guilty of such ignorance when we were 19!

Anonymous said...

@To: Rohit
The brainwashing by the secular media is so strong that the only Stalin's mind control transcends it.
Here I am pointing Rohit to Stalin's mind control biograpy.
It was shocking that despite knowing that Stalin killed 20 million soviet people in gulags and various purges during his rule (roughly 1/10th of their population), there were still people who still wanted stalinist communism after the soviet collapse.

I guess we will also have pseudos urging for peace even after Pak nukes us.

But why blame pseudos? Why doesn't the BJP have a single friendly news channel? I wouldn't have complained if BJP had indulged in corruption while it was in power at center to generate funds to sponsor few friendly news channels. Isn't that what is supposed to be Srikrishna-neeti OR Chanakya-neeti. Small crime can be committed to prevent gigantic crime.
@End: Rohit

Anonymous said...

I think it is not very severe and only intended as a small revenge against India for not opening its economy for foreigners in this budget when US needs access to unexplored markets very badly in this recessionary times.