Friday, July 17, 2009

Crucial insight on Taliban-Pak-CIA and its likely devastation of India

jul 17th, 2009

this is the most likely outcome of the "piss process". and it is something all parties -- obama, osama, manmohan, zardari, hafiz sayid, the saudi king, begum zia -- can agree to (oh, the nehru dynasty will decamp to italy at an expeditious moment and will be long gone before mughalistan actually happens).

i don't usually pay any attention to asia times, as it is funded by the chinese government, but this interview is on the money. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sanjeev

A forward.
An interesting interview and analysiswith serious implications for India.

Rajiv Malhotra wrote -  The above review of a Harvard scholar's new book is important reading. It is in line with my thesis that when (not if) US walks away from the
Af-Pak conflict, it will outsource the war to Pakistan's army. Then the Taliban-Pak target will become India. In essence the US will save itself from Taliban (short term only) by deflecting them towards
India. I also see China supporting Pak through money, arms and keeping the tensions alive on the Indo-Tibet border. The endgame for Taliban-Pak --  recreating Mughalstan across north India from
Afghanistan all the way to Bangladesh, of which a map has been on display for some decades. See:

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