Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kashmir: the Indian colony to pay for Islamic ‘education’

Given the recent softening of oil prices, looks like the Saudis found a useful way to pay these fanatics their keep – get Kashmir’s Colony of India to fund madrassa education. That’s right – we will soon pay for their secession.

This Omar Abdullah is one up on his father. At least that man had the pretence of duplicity.

Where are the thapar, sardesai, dutt and vir sanghvi’s of the world? Remember the paroxysms of delight after that ‘passionate’ speech defending manmohan’s deal? I could hear the cash till ringing.

1 comment:

blogger said...

"Chief Minister Omar Abdullah — whose secular credentials are impeccable — must act to prevent the poisoning of the State’s school education system."

Secular credentials are impeccable because is an Anti-Hindu bigot who has renamed over 500 villages and towns including Anantnaag (en route Shri Amarnath ji) to Islamabad.