Friday, March 06, 2009

TIME: Is Europe Falling Out of Love with Obama?

I was waiting for this moment - the moment when the Atlanticists discover that the ethnic token they backed to dislodge Bush is not quite the pliable stooge they hoped he'd be, as Slick Willie was before him.

At least Obama is not another BJ Clinton, or Jimmy Carter.

Yes, he's harassing India over H1-B, and made some goofy remarks about Kashmir, but otherwise he's doing a good job of showing the Atlanticists the door.

This is one advantage of a US president not being of European descent. He may be selling out to China for the time being, but at least he's doing it because China has something more to offer than an ethnic Old Boys' Club.

So finally, the Atlanticists are increasingly finding themselves cast adrift.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are cultivating an obedient gunga din of their own with Bobby Jindal, their rising star who graduated from Brown University with honours - Bubba Cum Laude.
Personally, I'm waiting for this guy to fall flat on his protruding adam's apple.

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