Sunday, March 08, 2009

Obama to Taliban - c'mon we are all Muslims here

Looks like the universally loved president is going to do what Brahma Chellaney has predicted all along; put the Yankee tail between Yankee legs, smooch the "good taliban" and run

this "surge, bribe and run" is going to be another disaster for India. not that the non-PM and madam are bothered. no skin of their backs. when the "bad taliban" come calling - well, too bad. just a few more murdered hindus in india as far as they are concerned.

obama's next move will be to get india to commit troops in Afghanistan. the desi dork media (TM - Bharat Rakshak forum) will fall over themselves to ensure that he can get as many as he needs. soon the lound banshee tv anchors will say "why pay an army if we do not use one"

of course - after screwing the defense services over for five years - the kkkangress will make sure that our soldiers go into afghanistan without guns and boots.

living up to Jawaharlal's dream - no?


san said...

If Obama abandons the region to Pak's predations, then the only ultimate impact AlQaeda/Lashkar's massacres in India can have on us, is in helping to get BJP re-elected.

But AlQaeda/Taliban would not limit themselves to conducting massacres in India. They would naturally want to commit massacres in the Western world as well. Seeing lowly Indian kaffirs die is not as satisfying to them as seeing Jewish and Caucasian people die. That's why their appetites wouldn't stop with India.

Obama is looking like a one-term president. He doesn't have what it takes to overcome the problems facing him and his country. If he gets re-elected, it will be because the other side couldn't come up with anyone good to field against him.

witan said...

Nor will it be "skin off their backs" for Paki "non-PM and" and non-President if Pakistan is taken over by Taliban or al Qaeda. Both have billions of dollars stashed away in Swiss banks and other places, and they will just flee their countries to settle abroad and enjoy their billions.
Unfortunately for us, the same thing might be true of certain de facto rulers of our own country.