Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hitchens on the Swat Valley hand-over


This is not even a postponement of the coming nightmare, which is the utter disintegration of Pakistan as a state. It is a stage in that disintegration.

This Hitchens is one Limey that everyone can like (actually he is Limey no more - he took out American citizenship)

but this article does leave me wondering if anyone in India is thinking of what the Pakistani meltdown means for us.

i see millions of bearded fundamentalists on the march to refugee camps in our country. they are mostly men, young and disaffected. they do not mind our hospitality - indeed they demand it as a right (along with their 'secular' fellow-indians)- before they proceed to tell us that we must now embrace the one faith. then they close down all girls schools in india (with loud cheering from 'secular' banshee's) and tell the men - sorry you have to die.our 'secular liberals' will say – “see it is the logical undoing of the partition, as we are one people”.
Errrr…..actually it is not.
it will be completing the job of islamification of india. the refugee crisis will leave india hobbled and all her energy will go in simply keeping herself together. there will be "rivers of blood" to paraphrase enoch powell - as the people who unashamedly want the destruction of india land up on her shores under the cloak of a humanitarian crisis


AGworld said...

Can you post the original link?

Sameer said...

Happy Holi to all.
Hope India recovers from the curse of UPA and come out with flying colours.

Shahryar said...

This was a comment I posted elsewhere:

If there is a civil war in Pakistan then India will be inundated with Muslim refugees - India should close their borders and not let any of them in! Let the Pakistanis seek refuge in the Islamic Republic of Iran which can afford to look after members of their Ummah.

M. Patil said...

India should close the borders, or mine the borders and not let even a single refugee into India.

Let Pakis go to Arab and Limey lands, we could not care less. B.t.w the Pakistanis have invented Arab ancestory for themselves so they should settle in Arab lands.


AGworld said...

India closing the border to the pakis?
In our dreams -- the UPA wallahs and the left will not allow it.

And, the way the clouds for elections 2009 are gathering does not augur well for hindus.
The loot and rapine will continue.

Actually we are the blame: as hindus get slaughtered, most of them are concerned about the finer points of secularism.