Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bart Ehrman on the lies, extrapolations and fabrications in the bible

mar 27th, 2009

we have talked in this blog before about bart ehrman (former fundamentalist who quit the church in disgust and became a major scholar on the bible) who has systematically shown that large chunks of the allegedly divine bible are entirely human fabrications, transcription errors, and hoax insertions from the medieval period. here's more from him.

no wonder the bible (one of the idols of christists along with the idol of the mutilated corpse of the dead arab on a stick) is such profound garbage. one of the american founding fathers (jefferson, i think) went through it and tore out every page that had something offensive, violent, bigoted and misogynistic. when he finished, he found that he only had the covers left. it is basically a handbook for evil created by the godmen for their own self-aggrandizement after the council of nicea in 345 ce (approx) which codified christism as a power-hungry, imperialist death cult bent on world domination.

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1 comment:

Deva said...


Please take a look at joseph atwill's video on youtube. The NT is Roman war propaganda against the Jews. Emperor Titus Flavius destroyed the Jewish Temple in the Jewish Roman war, and Jesus who thrashed Jews in the temple is really the Emperor's alter ego