Tuesday, March 03, 2009

mohammedans think obama is a mohammedan. do they know something we don't?

mar 2, 2009

ok, forbes is right-wing, but this ummah business is worrisome.

1 comment:

witan said...

Your apprehension about the "umma business" is quite apposite.
Asma Gull Hasan also writes: “In commenting on our new president, "I have to support my fellow Muslim brother," would slip out of my mouth before I had a chance to think twice.” It is this thinking that makes a Muslim untrustworthy.
In the Indian context, it gives rise to a suspicion — not unjustified — that for most of them their allegiance to Islam takes precedence over their nationality or country of residence. "I have to support (Zardari / Musharraf / Nawaz Sharif / Osama / ... ) my fellow Muslim brother."