Wednesday, October 01, 2008

low-intensity conflict

oct 1, 2008

mohammedans are indulging in a classic low-intensity conflict in india. there is no doubt that locals are providing logistical support to the terrorists who may be partly infiltrators from bangladesh and pakistan. the 'kashmiri emporia' are likely to the be epicenters of planning.

today there's news of a series of bombs going off in agartala killing a few people.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: R
Subject: Low intensity bombs

There is a spate of low intensity bombs now as different from high intensity shrapnel throwing bombs placed serially to create maximum damage. Now for some plainspeaking -
1. Inspite of repeated protestations by a section of our 'counter terrorism experts' that local muslims were not a part of the al qaeda (incidentally a jihadi doesnt necessarily have to belong to the al qaeda to be a jihadi terrorist) 'local terror modelus' (oh how i love these sanitised phrases) are now operating with impunity around the country.
2. Local terror modules are domestic islamic terrorists.
3. Hindu society thru the Gujarat riots has proved that it can deal with local terror modules whose mission is to kill kafirs on dar-ul-harb.
4. So, now the logic is childishly simple. If local terror modules have to be used for transforming this dar-ul-harb into a dar-ul-islam, then Hindu anger against these domestic jihadis is going to rise.
5. So now they start to place these 'low intensity explosives' which are called 'crude bombs' in muslim localities, like the dud bomb in Jamma Masjid, to create the impression that muslims are as much victims of 'terrorism' as hindus and the idea will be now to say, because these are planted in muslim localities, the Bajrang Dal and the VHP are doing it.
Jamma masjid dud bomb was a trial run. It is being perfected now. How come all these low intensity bombs killing just one or two glorious martyrs happen primarily in muslim localities - jamma masjid, sabarkantha, malegaon?
And have you all noticed, when Hindus are victims they co-operate with the police and officials in every manner possible. When muslims are 'victims' they attack the police - hyderabad, vadodara, malegaon.....
If some of you still wnat to sleep the sleep of the dead, sleep on. RR 

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