Tuesday, September 26, 2006

christists' god is a “a misogynistic, ..., racist, infanticidal, ..., capriciously malevolent bully”.

25th sept, 2006

the full quote is: "a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sado-masochistic, capriciously malevolent bully".

but it wont fit on the blogspot header, so i dropped some of the choice epithets.

but it seems like a pretty accurate description of the creature, yhwh, who is also known as ialdoboath, the blind one.


i called this christist god GOF in a column: a mean, puny, tribal. jealous "god of the fundamentalists", a limited, second-rate, pathetic god.

i like the considerably more explicit statement by richard dawkins, famous for 'the blind watchmaker'.

although i reject atheism and science, being a theist and a believer, i will read this book because it is likely to be a well-reasoned diatribe against faith. in particular, against the blind faith that animates the semites. of course, many people make a shibboleth of science as well -- they have their blind faith in some rosy 'science'-thingy that does not exist.

in this context, i keep thinking, there are so many absurd things semites do: we should point them out and mock them.

1. using up all that fertile land to bury the bones of their worthless brethren. at the rate they are going, they will eventually use up all the land in the world for cemeteries. burial is such an absurd act, fostered by the even more absurd belief of some bodily elevation to some bizarre heaven!

2. eating all those animals, in a particularly environmentally destructive way. their should be a tax on non-vegetarians because they cost so much to maintain -- one pound of meat requires forty times the grain, water, and energy as one pound of vegetable foodstuff. so non-vegetarians like the semites need to be ostracized and taxed heavily

3. their totally anti-environmental perspective was well-articulated by the late james watt, reagan's interior secretary. why, i'm going to cut down all the forests and dig holes in the ground wherever anybody wants, because, after all, the world is going to end in 2000! yes, he actually said this, and he was the *interior secretary* in charge of the land. what a moron! but he's really a good semite, just mouthing the inanities of his blind faith.

1 comment:

bly243001 said...

A comprehensive, yet funny look at Bible etc from a skeptical's point of view.
