Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Are India's Nationalist Media Rentable?

 I've been watching Arnab on Republic and Palkhi Sharma on WION, and I've noticed that they've suddenly started echoing non-stop the Western line on Ukraine. These are people who I thought were reliably pro-India, who are now busy propagandizing against Russia with full force, and questioning the Indian govt's decision to abstain at the UNSC instead of voting against Russia, a country which time and again has supported India at the UN, including with its veto. Palkhi in particular went on trip to Ukraine, just before the war broke out, and came back totally in Ukraine's camp, like she'd gone native. I wonder who paid for her trip? Where's Sudhir Chaudhry in all of this? It's worrying to think that those media personalities whom we see as pro-nationalist can potentially be converted in an instant, just by waving dollars in their faces. Maybe westerners know us better than we think.


Prakash said...

Track the advertisements. Follow the money

Pagan said...

Republic parroting Zelensky’s propaganda

"India will be a major beneficiary if Putin succeeds"