Saturday, February 14, 2015

Rearming Hinduism

I was feeling quite discouraged today by the Modi government's inaction on issues dear to the core Hindu constituency - accompanied by its meek capitulation to anti-Hindu forces, to the point that I was pessimistic about the continued existence of Hindu civilization itself in the long term.

Then, I read this interview with author Vamsee Juluri regarding his book "Rearming Hinduism".

It had been on my reading list for a while. Buried deep in the interview were profound answers to my deepest concerns for the future of Hindutva
and Sanatana Dharma. 

I just happened to read the interview before going to bed - on a day that I've experienced a lot of pain and anger at injustice in this world and what I perceive as a great betrayal of Hindu hopes and aspirations by the Modi Sarkar.

Considering that I was/am a fervent champion of Modi Sarkar as representative of nothing less than a Hindu civilizational victory, disillusionment is but natural when one sees that the ephemeral #HinduUnity that elected it is being frittered away and perhaps our last opportunity 
for Hindu civilizational survival & regeneration is being squandered. 

These tweets also injected a dose of realism:

@sarkar_swati: Hindus will be defeated if they feel defeated. No avatar will ever protect you. Best not to expect too much from a leader

@sarkar_swati: Modi is the savior of Hindus - self defeating mentality. Hindus existed before him, will do so after him too

1 comment:

vtpcnk said...

many hindus seem to be unaware of the fact that the dharma spans from Gujarat to japan. even muslim Indonesia reveres its dharmic past. the main reason that india was colonized was because it is the home of the dharma. to convert it is to render dharma rootless - after which other dharmic countries would have followed - to western cultural/economic domination.