Monday, December 12, 2011

The dark side of Dubai -The Independent

A fascinating long read for anyone who is interested to read about the
dark side of glitzy nation. Highly recommended.


non-carborundum said...

A real masterpiece. Never could understand people who given a choice not to, still reside in the Middle East.

smriti said...

Old article, but sad nonetheless; remember reading it at that time. It is perplexing that people still flock land of wahabi throwbacks.

nizhal yoddha said...

this seems very true: i can well believe it of the arabs, who are basically nomads who just came into some money, so they are parvenus. however, you should also know what happened to johann hari later. he was accused of making up stuff in interviews. i wonder if that was based on a prod from the arabs for this and other stuff that he said about them that was not very polite. so he actually took a leave of absence from the independent

smriti said...

I agree with you Rajeev, it is better to treat Johann Hari's articles with suspicion, considering his unethical ways. It is ironic that he was actually caught out mainly by left wing bloggers before the Conservative blogger Guido Fawkes also joined in on the exposé.

But, this article could be genuine, since he seemed to changed his stance after 2006 against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, so that invariably means, he was dancing to the lunatic tunes of the Left. May be, in the throes of a very rare occasion of conscientious behaviour, he seems to have penned this article.

Johann Hari - at least 2012, which is not far from now- spares us all from his idiocy and maliciousness and he has been stripped off his George Orwell prize, what do Johann Hari(s) of India- Ms Dutt and Ghosh get as public humiliation? It is so sickening that they are let off the hook so easily- these slimes.