Thursday, March 31, 2011
aussies knew it was racism, but pretended otherwise. now aussies shoot up temple.
cricket, the game of glorious certainties. one certainty is that is fixed

Fruit Fibers Rival Kevlar in Strength
New Tech Cools Buildings Without Electricity
Girl, 14, Raped Then Flogged to Death for 'Adultery'
Fortunately, we don't have to feel bad about it, because Islam said it was okay.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
On Huffington Post: "How Evangelists Invented 'Dravidian Christianity'" by Rajiv Malhotra
From: Rajiv Malhotra
Please read my latest Huffington Post blog, “How Evangelists Invented 'Dravidian Christianity'” posted at:
I hope you will read this blog and comment on it at HuffPost. It is a brief synopsis of one chapter from my new book described at:
This message was sent from:
Rajiv Malhotra | Princeton, NJ 08542
paul allen on how bill gates and steve ballmer were really nice to him when he was sick
“I had helped start the company and was still an active member of management, though limited by my illness, and now my partner and my colleague were scheming to rip me off. It was mercenary opportunism, plain and simple.”
— In a new book, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen claims that after he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease in 1982, he overheard co-founder Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, now CEO, discussing how they could dilute Allen’s stake in the company. According to the Wall Street Journal, “Idea Man: A Memoir by the Co-founder of Microsoft,” which will go on sale April 17, has created a rift between Gates and Allen, although both camps released statements saying how much they valued the other. Vanity Fair has an excerpt from the book, in which Allen details how he and Gates met as teenagers, how they both eventually realized their limitations, and the early days of Microsoft. The WSJ says “the book gives a revisionist take on some details of Microsoft’s history
jaitapur. hard to believe it is necessary to ruin this picturesque area and turn it into a toxic wasteland
austin: Yamunotrii Samskritam residential camp in Austin, TX from Apr 22-24
From: arun
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Harihara Ramakrishnan <>
sarvEbhyO namaH
This is a gentle reminder on the Yamunotrii samskritam residential camp in Austin, TX to be held next month. Please spread the word to all the interested folks and help us in the registration drive!
hariH on behalf of Samskrita Bharati, Texas
Dear Friends,
Samskrita Bharati is organizing a Samskritam Residential Camp called Yamunotrii in Barsana Dham, Austin, TX from April 22nd evening till April 24th evening. Please go to the site for flyer, FAQ and registration.
There will be instructional sessions on spoken Samskritam as well as selected portions from literature and grammar. Apart from that, there will be yoga, meditation, indoor-games, evening informal dinner meetings, variety entertainment programs etc. The above website has TV coverage and participant's experience in a previous camp held in New Jersey.
Nominal camp fees include lodging, instruction, camp-related activities, food and study materials. Make sure to register before March 31st to catch early bird specials.
The FAQ at addresses lot of questions. Please note the sections on what to bring to the camp etc. Still, let us highlight the important questions.
1. What are the different classes? What am I expected to learn from this camp? What are the differences in class levels (beginner's, intermediate, advanced)?
By the end of the camp, beginner students should be able to speak a few simple sentences in Samskritam and converse in an uninhibited manner with fellow Samskritam students, and feel good about it. Many students have studied Samskrita in their school days, but may have forgotten the splendid heritage that goes with it. This is a chance to reconnect to the school days and our proud cultural heritage.
The beginner-level class introduces Samskritam speaking skills in an interactive environment. Students in this level learn to express themselves in the present, future and past tenses. Students are also exposed to vocabulary, phrases, and idioms useful in every day conversation. This level is recommended for all attendees who have not attended a spoken samskritam workshop before.
The intermediate-level class includes formalized learning of the different vibhaktis, and lakaaras. Svarasandhis may also be introduced. Students in this class will read simple stories, subhaashitams and shlokas. Attendees registering for this level should be comfortable speaking and understanding Samskritam as the medium of instruction is Samskritam.
Students in the advanced class will study advanced topics while reading a selection from a primary text in Samskritam. In previous years, a few of the following topics were studied in each camp: samaasa, chandas, an introduction to Panini grammar, translation skills, essay writing and teacher-training. Reading selections have included portions from Samskritam works such as Bhartrhari’s Vakyapadiyam, Bhasa’s Pratima-natakam, and Banabhatta’s Kadambari. Attendees registering for this level should be comfortable speaking and understanding Samskritam as Samskitam is the medium of instruction.
Please note the actual topic and amount of material covered may be adjusted based on the background of the participants and the available time.
2. What about Kids ?
Kids < 3 years of age will be allowed to stay with their parents.
Kids 3-5 will be provided a day care by an experienced person. They can optionally stay with their parents as long as there is no disturbance.
3. How are the stay facilities?
There are a few 4bed/per room and 5 bed/per room rooms. All rooms are with attached bathrooms and has a twin bed. All rooms are air-conditioned. For just adults, women and men may have to stay in separate rooms to maximize occupancy. For families we will try to provide the best accomodation per room, but please be aware that we will try to maximize the occupancy as we pay per bed in a room, regardless of whether it is being used or not.
4. Schedule of the classes:
7:30-8:30 pm - Dinner
Time kriyaa Activity
5:30-6:15 am jaagaraNaM Wake-up
6:15-7:15 am praataHsmaraNaM yogakakshyaa ca Morning Prayers and Yoga Class
7:15-8:45 am alpaahaaraH/snaanaarthaM viraamaH Breakfast and Bath
8:45-9:45 am prathama-kakshyaa First Class
9:45-10:00 am viraamaH Break
10:00-11:00 am dvitiiya-kakshyaa Second Class
11:00-11:15 am viraamaH Break
11:15-12:15 pm tRtiiya-kakshyaa Third Class
12:15-1:45 pm bhojanam Lunch
1:45-2:45 pm caturtha-kakshyaa Fourth Class
2:45-3:00 pm viraamaH Break
3:00-4:00 pm pancama-kakshyaa Fifth Class
4:00-4:30 pm ashniitapibataa Break for Tea
4:30-5:30 pm kriiDaaH Outdoor Games
5:30-6:00 pm prakshaalanam Freshen Up
6:00-7:00 pm bhajanaM pravacanaM ca Songs and Lecture
7:00-7:45 pm bhojanam Dinner
7:45-9:00 pm manoranjana-kaaryakramaaH Entertainment Programs
9:00-9:30 pm nidraarthaM viraamaH Disperse for Bed
9:30 pm - 5:30 am nidraa-samayaH Quiet time for Sleep
Time kriyaa Activity
5:30-6:15 am jaagaraNaM Wake-up
6:15-7:15 am praataHsmaraNaM yogakakshyaa ca Morning Prayers and Yoga Class
7:15-8:45 am alpaahaaraH/snaanaarthaM viraamaH Breakfast and Bath
8:45-9:45 am prathama-kakshyaa First Class
9:45-10:00 am viraamaH Break
10:00-11:00 am dvitiiya-kakshyaa Second Class
11:00-11:15 am viraamaH Break
11:15-12:15 pm tRtiiya-kakshyaa Third Class
12:15-1:45 pm bhojanam Lunch
1:45-2:30 pm vasatigRhe svacChataa Clean Up
2:30-3:00 pm samaaropaNa-kaaryakramaH Concluding Program
Samskrita Bharati, Texas
have fun while learning to speak samskrutam!
jayatu samskrutam! vadatu samskrutam!!
maryland: Invitation to India Week @ UMD (March 29th - April 2nd) [1 Attachment]
From: arun
From: Ashutosh Gupta <>
Date: Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 1:46 PM
Subject: [umd_samskritam] Invitation to India Week @ UMD (March 29th - April 2nd) [1 Attachment]
On behalf of our Indian student group , DESI (or Develop, Empower and Synergize India), on UMD Campus, it is a pleasure to invite you for a five day extravaganza "India Week".
We are hosting over 70 speakers / guests / performers showcasing India's Art, Culture, Business & Democracy. (March 29th - April 2nd, 2011)
Of particular interest to this group are two events:
1. Talks by Sowmya Joysa, SAFL National Coordinator, Samskrita Bharati
2. 'Pride of India Exhibition' prepared by Samskrita Bharati volunteers
Here is a link for more details about the event:
Also, a flyer is attached summarizing the event.
Please feel free to pass on this information to family members, friends & coworkers who might be interested. The event is free and open to all.
Attachment(s) from Ashutosh Gupta
1 of 1 Photo(s)
Centre's response to ban on Ramdev Baba's programme sought
From: Third
Date: Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 6:05 PM
Subject: Centre's response to ban on Ramdev Baba's programme sought
The judge was responding to a petition filed by B Rammohan Reddy, an advocate, who said he was aggrieved by the sudden cancellation of Ramdev Baba's early morning programmes being regularly telecast by Aastha TV channel. Because the Centre was not happy with the speeches of the baba on black money, it ordered the channel to stop live telecast of his yoga camps with effect from March 21, K Ashok Reddy, the counsel for the petitioner, told the court.
"By following Baba Ramdev's instructions, I was able to do yoga exercises. Now, that facility is gone. My diabetic problem and other ailments were controlled to a large extent because of my regular exercises and now I fear they may return owing to my inability to do this exercise in the absence of any guidance from the baba," the petitioner said.
When the judge sought to know the response of the Centre, Ponnam Ashok Goud, assistant solicitor general, assured the court that he would get back soon.
stanford: 'south asia' Events this Quarter
From: Sangeeta Mediratta <>
Date: 2011/3/30
Subject: Spring is here: CSA Events this Quarter
To:,,,, risip <>,, Chris Williams <>, Emily Bishop <>, Revathi Krishnaswamy <>
Dear All, Please see the list of our upcoming events. The flyer for our Spring lecture series is attached and pasted below. Thanks, Sangeeta
Wednesday, March 30, Encina Hall West, Room 208, 4 pm
William Elison, (Stanford University), The Fakir's Mask: Public Apparitions of Sai Baba in and around Mumbai
Wednesday, April 6, noon-4 p.m., CCSRE (Building 360) conference room, first floor
Minority as Cultural Form: India's Dalits in the 21st Century
Gopal Guru (Jawaharlal Nehru University) in conversation with Anupama Rao (Barnard College)
The conversation will be followed by a roundtable discussion on B.R. Ambedkar among Gopal Guru, Anupama Rao, Aishwary Kumar (Stanford University), Vinayak Chaturvedi (University of California, Irvine), and Revathi Krishnaswamy (San Jose State University).
Wednesday, April 13, Encina Hall West, Room 208, 4 pm
Sudipta Sen (UC Davis), Lawlessness and the Cinematic Popular in 1970s India: Meditations on Sholay
Wednesday, April 20, Encina Hall West, Room 208, 4 pm
Arvind Rajagopal (New York University), The Life of the Image in the Time of the Nation: Visual Culture from Bazaar Art to Satellite Television
Wednesday, May 4, Stanford Humanities Center Board Room, 11 a.m.
Daniel Herwitz (University of Michigan), The Framing of the Past in Four Generations of Modern Indian Art
Tuesday, May 10, Encina Hall West, Room 208, 4 pm
Ranjan Kamath, Screening of Tanvir Ka Safarnama (part of "The Agents of Change" Trilogy) followed by discussion with Ranjan Kamath
Wednesday, May 11, Encina Hall West, Room 208, 4 p.m.
William Mazarella (University of Chicago), "A Different Kind of Flesh": Public Obscenity, Globalization, and the Mumbai Dance Bar Ban
Thursday, May 19, Encina Hall West, Room 208, 4 pm
Chandan Gowda (National Law School of India), Kannada Language Activism in Bangalore: Historical Origins, Contemporary Predicament
Tuesday, May 24, Encina Hall West, Room 208, 3 p.m.
Bulbul Tiwari (Stanford University), Mahamultipedia: A Sanskrit Epic Vessel on Digital Waters
Krishna Sen (University of Calcutta), Of Panthers, Black and Dalit: Identity Politics and Cultural Nationalism in America and India
April 7-8, Room 134A, Lucas Conference Center, Landau Economics Building
Networks, Mobility, and the Geopolitics of Empire and Nation
(Sponsored by The Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies)
Islamic Studies Workshop Series: "Literature and Identity in South and Southeast Asia"
All workshops take place from noon to 1:00 pm in Encina Hall West, Room 208.
Workshop papers are available to Stanford affiliates upon request by email to
April 28: Nile Green (Department of History, UCLA), "Bombay Islam: The Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean"
May 19: Shantanu Phukan (Comparative Religious Studies, San Jose State University), TBA
May 26: Azhar Ibrahim (Abbasi Program Visiting Scholar; National University of Singapore), "Discoursing Social Theology: New Ways of Doing Theology and Knowing Islam in Muslim Southeast Asia"
(Sponsored by The Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies)
southasia mailing list
australians show respect for hindu temple by shooting it up; curious how this happened just after 'inter-faith' conclave
mar 29th, 2011 CE
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
itunes killer? amazon introduces streaming music from the cloud
cupertino: mar 31. Emerging Security Trends - 2011 and Beyond
From: SIPA
Emerging Security Trends- 2011 and Beyond
Security of Data and Information is sometimes seen as a bottleneck in large scale adoption of new computing environments. The concerns are alike for enterprises, SMBs and end consumers. The panel would discuss technical and customer adoption trends in areas like Online data storage, cloud computing and data/information leakage. The panel will discuss the emerging technology and business trends in the security marketplace
HP Oakroom Auditorium, Hewlett Packard, Bldg 48.
19447 Pruneridge Ave, Cupertino, CA
When: March 31st Thursday 6:30pm- 9:00pm
Registration and Networking – 6:00pm-6:30pm
Panel discussion – 6:30-7:30pm
Q&A Session – 7:30-8:15pm
Networking Session – 8:15-8:45pm
Registration URL:
Rajesh Srivastava
Senior Technology Leader enabling cloud adoption and focused on resolving and delivering enterprise class solutions for emerging Data-Center needs currently at Symantec (formerly Veritas). Rajesh is also past president of SIPA and is active in many bay area organizations.
Ajay Nigam - Vice President of Services Product Management, Symantec
Mandeep Khera - Chief Marketing Officer, Cenzic
Pradeep Aswani - Founder & Board Member, Securematics
Speaker Bios:
Ajay Nigam: Ajay Nigam is Vice President of Services Product Management in the Symantec Services Group, leading development and management of services IP life cycle, cloud based security intelligence, and Managed Security Services products. Before joining Symantec, Ajay led product management for new products at VeriSign, which included the successful launch of managed services and consulting solutions for mobile security and mobile payments. He was also the founding co-chair of an industry-wide open authentication initiative called OATH, and provided product management leadership for a variety of authentication solutions at VeriSign. Prior to VeriSign, Ajay was VP of Product Management at Mossbeach Technology, a start-up focused on delivering a hosted services platform for enterprise VPNs. Before VeriSign, he was the Vice President and GM of Hughes Software Systems
He has been an evangelist and a frequently featured speaker on Security, Privacy, and Mobile Commerce/ Payments in leading global conferences.
Mandeep Khera: Mandeep Khera is the Chief Marketing Officer for Cenzic, focused on Web Application Security Software and Cloud solutions, responsible for all aspects of marketing from product management to outbound marketing to strategic marketing. In the course of his career in the technology sector, he has held key positions in marketing, business development, sales, engineering, customer services, finance, and general management.
Prior to joining Cenzic, Mandeep led marketing for VeriSign's Managed Security Services product line. Before VeriSign, he held positions as the Vice President of Marketing for Maaya, a Web-Services and e-Support Software company, Vice President of Worldwide Marketing for UCMS, an eCRM software and services company, and as the Vice President of Marketing and Engineering for Embarcadero Systems Corporation, a logistics management software company. Previously, Mandeep was with Hewlett-Packard for eleven years in finance, customer care, marketing, and for the last four years as a general manager of a worldwide software and SaaS solutions business unit, HP Asset Management, that he had started from scratch. Mandeep is the Chapter Leader for OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) and a member of its Global Chapter Committee.
Mandeep is a graduate of Harvard Business School's Leading Product Development program and Northwestern University's Executive Development Program. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce with honors from New Delhi University and an MBA, General Management and MIS, from Santa Clara University.
Pradeep Aswani: Pradeep Aswani is the Founder and CEO of High Performance Networks, a startup providing applications and services for extensible network platforms. Pradeep also serves on the board of Securematics a value added distribution company with revenues in excess of $100m, he also built and successfully sold VPN Dynamics a security services provider to Ingram Micro.Pradeep is a business professional with over 20 years of operational experience in driving business success and scaling businesses from ground up. He enjoys helping startups develop sales channel programs and is an active angel investor. Pradeep holds a B.SC in Chemistry from Bombay University
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stanford: 30 March @ 4 pm: William Elison, The Fakir's Mask: Public Apparitions of Sai Baba in and around Mumbai
From: Sangeeta Mediratta <>
Date: 2011/3/29
Subject: 30 March @ 4 pm: William Elison, The Fakir's Mask: Public Apparitions of Sai Baba in and around Mumbai
The Fakir's Mask: Public Apparitions of Sai Baba in and around Mumbai
Abstract: This talk about the modern Indian charismatic Sai Baba of Shirdi (1830s–1918) takes up the question of the apparent ubiquity of his likeness in contemporary Mumbai, where it circulates as the emblem of a universalistic religious attitude (with a specific emphasis on Hindu-Muslim comity). The argument builds on ethnographic research on the public streets, where a diverse constituency—-to be identified with shantytown residents who retain ties with their villages—-erects shrines housing images of Hindu deities and other protector figures. Foremost among these figures is Sai Baba. The inquiry encountered a dramatic turn when municipal officials, acting in the name of the public interest, initiated citywide demolitions of "illegal religious structures." The episode may be framed as a clash of rival geographies, with zones marked by Sai Baba to be identified as generically sacred space, ostensibly free of sectarian loyalties. But if the image's address functioned in this way among a religiously diverse subaltern population, the claim proved unrecognizable in the eyes of the state.
Bio: William Elison is an IHUM Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford. Trained at Chicago in the History of Religions Program, he specializes in the ethnography of religious life in subaltern India. He is currently working on a study of practices of marking and organizing sacred space in the slums, streets, and film studios of Mumbai. He has authored articles about local cultic practices and their mediation by public-cultural forms in slum-based and tribal communities and, in collaboration with two colleagues, has also begun writing a book about that landmark of 1970s Hindi cinema, Manmohan Desai's Amar Akbar Anthony.
southasia mailing list
devils in high places: an expose of christist machinations
In his explosive new book The Armies Of God: A Study In Militant Christianity, British-born, Malaysia-based academic Iain Buchanan blows the lid off a subject that most scholars and journalists tend to shy away from: the rise of US evangelism as a force in global affairs.
His book looks at how some of the powerful evangelical outfits operate — often as US government proxies — in countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, and of course, India, and the disastrous effects this has had on the relationship between the Christian West and non-Christian cultures, religious communities and nations. He also unmasks the role played by the seemingly secular 'success motivation' industry, and its leadership gurus such as Zig Ziglar and Ken Blachard, who are not only management experts but also conscious agents of US-style Christian evangelism. Excerpts from an interview:
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