Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Dhimmi BBC credits major scientific theories to Arab

jan 6th, 2009

used to be that everything was invented by the greeks, and therefore christists could claim all knowledge, notwithstanding the small matter that christists wiped out greek and roman civilization entirely and created a vacuum.

update -- now that the arabs have money, "nation of shopkeepers" spokesperson bbc is kindly allowing that some things were invented by arabs. in reality, the arabs merely were more civilized than the christists. while the christists and their godmen wiped out all civilization in their heyday (also known as the dark ages) at least the arabs kept their translations of greek and latin and sanskrit originals intact, and did not burn them like the christists did (eg. the library of alexandria was burned by a christist godman named theophilus -- great name, eh?). it was only in india that the mohammedans were eagerly burning books, eg. the library in nalanda. thanks a lot, guys, for wiping out so much knowledge.

soon to come -- since the chinese have money, the bbc will say that a lot of things were invented by the chinese. actually, joseph needham (surprise, surprise, a limey) has already written 20 volumes of the history of chinese science and technology, generously "awarding" a lot of indian intellectual property to the chinese.

at least in the case of the chinese, they did invent a good deal of stuff. in the case of the arabs, there is none whatsoever. the arabs invented nothing -- even the bigotry and misogyny in mohammedanism are borrowed from the christists. the christists, of course, invented slavery, racism, and apartheid. and the practice of destroying nature. wonder why christmas [sic] celebrates the destruction of nature by cutting down untold trees and by wasting enormous amounts of electricity? well, that's the way christism is -- totally anti-environment.

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From: Sri
Date: Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:13 AM
Subject: Dhimmi BBC credits major scientific theories to Arab

Dhimmi BBC credits major scientific theories to Arab



Karmasura said...

Great post!! Is it any wonder that you have 61 followers? My o' my.. this is the most successful blog I've come across

Karmasura said...

It is after all a RoP follower who has written the article.

Unknown said...

BBC has to keep its arab and paki constituency--the most dangerous one in the Queendom-- in good humor. Some people are clueless. Some are spineless. But some rare breeds are both, and BBC is one such rare breed.