i repeat what came to mind before when manmohan singh kicked taslima out of india:
"arey, durachara nrsamsa manmoha!
parakramam streekalilalla vendu!"
following the same slokam with "kamsa" instead of "manmoha": ie. yo! creepy potentate, don't show your parakrama by attacking a poor woman.
this is the "asariri" or divine voice that spoke to kamsa when he tried to murder the infant girl he thought was yashoda's eighth child.
it is a matter of eternal shame to indian civilization that the UPA ejected a woman seeking refuge. this land has been the land of last resort for all refugees throughout history. but manmohan only weeps for mohammedan fundamentalists, not for a poor exiled mohammedan female.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Swami
From: Swami
Don't allow fanatics to rule | ||
Abhijit Dasgupta | ||
Kolkata, January 2, 2009 | ||
Exiled Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen pines for Kolkata, her adopted home. Ever since she was forced to leave the city after protests by fundamentalists, she has lived a desolate life in New York. Nasreen tells India Today's Abhijit Dasgupta that she now finds it difficult to concentrate on writing and yearns to return to the city she needs so sorely for inspiration. Excerpts from the interview: ... deleted |
Allah prefers men over women!
Men have a degree over women...2:228
Why men are considered superior? It is because of their physical strength, financial ability to pay dower and to spend on women.
Many animals are much stronger physically than men. How about an elephant? An elephant is hugely stronger than a man is but that does not make it superior to a human.
Financial dependence? There are plenty of single mums (either widowed, divorced or unmarried) who steadfastly support her family without the help of any man.
This kind of Islamic bias for men is again demonstrated in the following verse.
Women witness is half of men...2:282
Men are true to their covenant-33:23
Revelations are sent to men only-12:109
God chooses messengers from men and angels-22:75
Men are superior in the worshipping of God -24:37
There are many perfect men but there are no perfect women except Mary, Asiya (Pharaoh's wife) and Aisha (Muhammad's wife)- (Shahih Muslim 31.5966)
Islamically speaking women are downright inferior!
It is very much possible for a tyrannical man to marry a pretty lady in Islamic way. Pay her the mahr and enjoy her sexual organs. After some time when he gets tired of her, he starts beating her regularly and mercilessly in Islamic way so much so that she has no choice but go to an Islamic court for a 'khul.' The Qazi (the Islamic judge) asks the lady to return her husband the mahr he gave her; then the Qazi dissolves her marriage. This way the tyrant man got free sex from a lady. All he needed was to provide her with some living expenses for a limited period of time. Then he can start his game again and repeat as many times as he likes. See the beauty of Islam for men!
So then why should the fake sikh manmohan weep for a single mohammadan female and an apostate at that?
Here are some pearls of wisdom from a top Saudi cleric:
"A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her."
Unfair to her, I betcha!
Muslim extremists beat woman at Mumbai Mall
No guys this didn't happen in a Mall somewhere in Pakistan but in Malad, Mumbai. It seems like these Muslim extremists are acting like watchdogs on lines of those Islamic dress code police they have in Iran and Saudi Arabia.
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